By holding the Persians at Thermopalae he delayed them for two days and proved they were not invincible. And by refusing to retreat from Thermopalae when the battle was lost, his sacrifice set an example of courage for the rest of Greece to follow, although militarily it was not the wise thing to do.
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As king of ancient Sparta, Leonidas played all of the roles expected of this exalted position. He oversaw legal affairs, participated in the city's religious rites, was responsible for diplomatic negotiations with other nations, and was also the primary warrior who planned and led the military affairs of Sparta.
Leonidas was a great king to Sparta. He fought against Xerxes, the Persian empire who wanted to rule. Leonidas then gathered up three hundred men and said we fight to our deaths and marched along. He was in a huge war against the Persians. They all died but Xerxes died, too. In conclusion stating that Leonidas was an amazing king who thought there was no boundaries or limits.
The king could decide to go to war, while the nobles could not.
Seths role in Egyptian society was to go int girls houses and to do it with them
In greek mythology? A prophet would pass down the messages from heaven to society. They may also pass down messages from the future they've seen, as an advisor to civilians or as an advisor to the king.
He is the Danish King.
He was king.
King, and God.
a king
a king
The king could decide to go to war, while the nobles could not.
Role of gsm in the society
what was the role of women in the kushite society
The role of police in contemporary society
What is the role and function of media and advertisement in your society
Government's proper role in society is provision of security, internal and external.
Society during the time of King Arthur was typically organized into a feudal system, with the king at the top, followed by nobles, knights, clergy, and common people. Knights swore loyalty to the king in exchange for land and protection, while commoners worked the land and served their lords in exchange for protection and shelter. The clergy held spiritual authority and played a significant role in guiding the moral fabric of society.
Plato's most famous book is "The Republic," where he discusses the nature of justice, the ideal society, and the role of the philosopher-king.