In Greek mythology, Oceanus was a Titan, god of the great river Ocean, the river that encircled the earth. So, in a sense, you could say that Ocean was his symbol.
The blades of Oceanus
The parents of the Titan Oceanus are Gaia and Uranus.
Oceanus the Greek god did not die in myth.
Oceanus was not a bad Titan, in fact when his brothers rebelled against their father Ouranos; Oceanus was the only one of his sons who did not assist in overthrowing their father's rule.
A scythe
oceanus has no enemy
The blades of Oceanus
Oceanus was a Greek Titan god who personified the world ocean. He was considered the source of all bodies of water, such as rivers, springs, and seas. Oceanus was typically depicted as a bearded man holding a serpent and was seen as a symbol of the unending flow of time and life.
Oceanus had 11 siblings. He later married one of them.
The parents of the Titan Oceanus are Gaia and Uranus.
Oceanus the Greek god did not die in myth.
Zeus did not imprison Oceanus. Oceanus was a Titan god of the seas, who was eventually replaced by Poseidon as the ruler of the oceans in Greek mythology.
Neither. Oceanus was a titan, which was a primeval deity (before the gods).
Metis (moon of Jupiter) was a daughter of Tethys and Oceanus.
Oceanus was not a bad Titan, in fact when his brothers rebelled against their father Ouranos; Oceanus was the only one of his sons who did not assist in overthrowing their father's rule.
Asia is the daughter of Oceanus along with Doris and Dione and thouasands of other daughters