Pandora wasnt a goddess, she was the first mortal on earth. she was molded by the gods out of clay and given to Epimetheus as a wife.
Pandora was not a greek goddess. She was a human, cousins with a greek hero. Her purpose was to open Pandora's jar which contained some nasty stuff
Pandora was not a Greek goddess, but a mortal woman. Anyway, she was a young lady, probably about 20. She had an inquisitive nature, and physical features are unknown.
i dont know either :(
Many believe Pandora was the goddess of curiosity, but she was mortal; the first woman. There is no Greek god or goddess of curiosity.
I believe that they are either green or brown
Pandora is not a goddess. She was the first mortal woman.
Pandora was not a goddess, she was the first mortal on earth and made by the gods.
Do you know if Pandora the Goddess was respected/
Pandora was not a goddess. She was the first woman ever created in order to be a plague to men.
pandora. she is.
Pandora was not a greek goddess. She was a human, cousins with a greek hero. Her purpose was to open Pandora's jar which contained some nasty stuff
Pandora wan't a goddess she was just the first female of mankind (the equivalent to the Christian Eve)
Pandora was not a goddess, but the first mortal woman, created by the gods. She had one child: Pyrrha.
Actually, Atlanta was a demigod, not a goddess.
Pandora's Roman name is the same as her Greek name.
No. Hestia is a Greek goddess, but Pandora was made by Hephaestus.
Pandora was not a Greek goddess, but a mortal woman. Anyway, she was a young lady, probably about 20. She had an inquisitive nature, and physical features are unknown.