The official names of Ramesses II were Ramesses userma'etre' setepenre',meaning "Born of Ra, powerful is the truth of Ra, chosen by Ra". The Egyptians did not use numerals after the names of their kings, since their full names were always different.
Ozymandias was another name for Ramesses the Great, Pharaoh of the nineteenth dynasty of ancient Egypt.
There are more than 60 tombs found till now in the valley of kings. Some of the king names are Ramesses VII, Ramesses IV, Unnamed son of Ramesses III, Ramesses XI, Sons of Ramesses II, Ramesses IX, Ramesses II, Merenptah, Ramesses V, Ramesses VI, Amenmesse, Ramesses III, Amenherkhepshef, Mentuherkhepshef Twosret, Setnakhte, Seti II, Ramesses I, Seti I, Ramesses X, Mentuherkhepshef, Thutmose I, Hatshepsut, Tia'a, Thutmose III, Amenhotep II, Maiherpri, Thutmose I, Amenhotep I, Queen Hatshepsut-Meryetre, Thutmose IV, Userhet Yuya, Tjuyu, Siptah, Amenemopet, Smenkhkare/Akhenaten, Horemheb, Sitre In, Tutankhamen and other unknown kings.
Usermaatre Setepenre is one of the names of Pharaoh Ramesses II also known as Ramesses the Great.
Well there were about a dozen Ramesses. But I assume you're referring to the Ramesses, which would be Ramesses II. In which case, he was the third Pharaoh of the 19th Dynasty in the New Kingdom. You can check out other Ramesses here:
Ramesses II ruled Egypt from 1279 to 1213 B.C. Ramesses XI ruled Egypt from 1107 to 1078 B.C.
The full form of IIS is Internet Information Services. It is a web server software developed by Microsoft for hosting websites, applications, and services on Windows servers.
Ramesses the second is not the same person as ramesses the third. Ramesses the second is more famus and is more pupular. Ramesses the third is just another ramesses. In Egypt many names are the same just with the number of times that name ecsites is added. Examples: Ramesses, Ramesses the first, or II, or also know as Rammesses the great because he had such a positive impact on Egypt, Ramesses the third.
His full and correct name was Ramesses Userma'atre' Setepenre'. The meanings are: "Born of Ra", "Powerful is the Truth of Ra", "Chosen by Ra".
The full form of IIS is Internet Information Services. It is a web server software created by Microsoft for Windows servers to host websites and web applications.
Ramesses I: at least 2 years. Ramesses II: 87-187 years. Prince Ramesses: at least 50 years. Ramesses III: at least 31 years. Ramesses IV: at least 6 years. Ramesses V: at least 4 years. Ramesses VI:at least 8 years. Ramesses VII:at least 7 years. Ramesses VIII: at least 1 year. Ramesses IX: at least 18 years. Ramesses X: at least 4 years. Ramesses XI: at least 29 years.
Ramesses II.The Pharoah, or the dark side of Yugi is Atem.
Ramesses the second lived in Egypt.
Ramesses V died in -1145.
Ramesses - band - was created in 2003.
Ramesses IX died in -1111.