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a comedy in ancient Greece mocked people or social customs. It was also called sattire. A comedy would be the opposite of a tradgedy.

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Q: What was a play that mocked people or social customs called in ancient Greece?
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Who was still furious with Odysseus?

Calypso held Odysseus captive on her island for seven years. Circe kept Odysseus for a year. The main force for keeping Odysseus away from home was Neptune. Neptune was angry because Odysseus blinded his son Polyphemus and then mocked him

What type of government did the ancient civilization Sparta use?

Sparta was admired for the stability of its government, and for its lack of corruption - at least as far as money is concerned. There was a dual Kingship, whose co-rulers surprisingly did not interfere with each other. Aristotle speaks highly of the Spartan Constitution, which remained unchanged for two hundred years, during which time Athens - whom we admire today more than Sparta- overthrew most its governments and exiled or executed every one of its leaders who hadn't died. like Pericles, of natural causes. Sparta was mocked for the rough manner of its citizens, and yet it was said that a Spartan woman could walk from one end of town to the other, stark naked, in perfect modesty and without trouble. Of course all the work - and by all the work I mean everything, all the trades, all business and commerce was done by slaves. Sparta's agriculture was entirely the work of an enslaved, local population called the Helots.

Did Ramses say my name is ozymandias king of kings?

No, Ozymandias was the name given to him long after his time by the Greeks. The phase comes from a poem by Shelley: I met a traveller from an antique land Who said: "Two vast trunkless legs of stone Stand in the desert Near them, on the sand, Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown, And wrinkled lip, a sneer of cold command, Tell that its sculptor well those passions read Which yet survive stamped upon these lifeless things, The hand that mocked them, and the heart that fed: And on the pedestal these words appear: "My name is Ozymandias [Ramses], king of kings: Look upon my works ye mighty and despair!" Nothing beside remains, Round the decay Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare The lone and level sands stretch far away

In the book The Odyssey how did Odysseus kill the suitors?

Odysseus had asked his son to lock the armory so that the suitors cannot defend themselves. After successfully shooting an arrow through the holes of the twelve axes, Odysseus shoots Antinous in the throat, and the suitors realize who the beggar - Odysseus - is. They try to flee, then attempt to get Odysseus away from the door so that they can escape. While Odysseus continues to shoot the suitors down, his son, Telemachus, gets spears and shields from the armory. After Odysseus runs out of arrows, he and his son use the spears to kill the suitors. They are helped by two servants. Eventually, Athena, goddess of war, makes her presence known in the form of a shield, and the suitors give up hope, and are slaughtered. Odysseus had killed 108 men, including 12 servants who had betrayed Odysseus (the maids had slept with the suitors, and a servant had mocked Odysseus when he was a beggar).

Who founded Rome?

According to the legend, the two brothers that founded the city of Rome were Romulus, and Remus. BUT, Romulus and Remus couldn't decide witch hill they should build Rome on. The two brothers argued until Romulus threw a brick at Remus's head. Remus died and Romulus became the first king of Rome.ROMULOS AND REMUSLegend has it that they were twins and abandoned as newly bornA she wolf raised them.The two brothers Romulus and Remus, Romulus killed Remus and gained control of the new empire. He named it after himself.However the story of them being raised by a she-wolf is a distortion. Prostitutes were banned in the city, and would howl like wolves outside the city walls soliciting custom: they were known as she-wolves. So Romulus and Remus were raised by a prostitute hired as wet nurse after their mother died.Legend says that Romulus and Remus started Rome. This is true but Romulus and Remus were ancestors of Aeneas who led a group of Trojans after the fall of Troy to where Rome now lies. They were said to have been raised by wolves and Romulus killed Remus and became king of Rome. This is of course is a myth.It was really started out of just a village formed where Rome was by the two Italian tribes of Sabine and the Latins in the 8th century. Later Etruscans settled here and turned into the Elite class of Romans. The etruscans later lost power and the originial tribed formed the republic which lasted until 27 a.d at which point it became an Empire.