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Q: What was ancient Athen's economy like?
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What was the ancient Athens economy?

A dumocarty

What was the governments of ancient Athens like?

the goverment of ancient athens like a democracy

What was the age of pericles economy like?

what was Athens economy like in the age of pericles

What was the government of Athens like?

the goverment of ancient athens like a democracy

What was the economy in the age of Pericles?

what was Athens economy like in the age of pericles

What was ancient Athens democracy like?

It was like a government

What conclusions can you make about society in ancient Athens?

my answer is that ancient Athens are not like us here in America they didn't have what we have today

What was Athens like at the age of Pericles of economy?

The Athenian economy boomed because Athens ripped off annual contributions from up to 200 other cities, collected by force if necessary. It collapsed when the Peloponnesian League defeated Athens and stripped it of its empire, and Athens collapsed into a second rate country.

What was a day in ancient Athens like?

i dont no

Which society was the first to practice direct democracy?

ancient athens

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it is like the indiens

What is Athens like today?

probally different from ancient times!