That they would obey its laws, be a productive element of the community, participate in its religious and cultural life, participate in it's political functioning to the degree permitted, turn out to defend it when it was threatened.
Citizens were expected to participate in government and defend the polis. Polis did not do so because they were denied the chance to do so.
The citizens
The negative side of strong loyalty of citizens in their mostly had to do with constant warfare. Polis had a tendency to antagonize and attack other polis, sometimes whole city states would be destroyed as in the case of Plataea and Sybaris.
A member of a city-state or polis who was not a slave or resident alien was called a citizen. In ancient Greece, citizens were an elite group which did not include women, peasants, slaves, and resident aliens. It was a hereditary status.
Citizens were expected to participate in government and defend the polis. Polis did not do so because they were denied the chance to do so.
Fight to protect the polis.
Polis is city. Its inhabitants were the citizens, resident aliens, slaves and visitors.
The citizens
It was called Polis
~ born in that polis ~ be free ~ had to be male
Sparta and Athens
smh who knows?
The negative side of strong loyalty of citizens in their mostly had to do with constant warfare. Polis had a tendency to antagonize and attack other polis, sometimes whole city states would be destroyed as in the case of Plataea and Sybaris.