Acrisius is afraid to lose his power as king, afraid of bwing overthrown by his grandchild, he stowed away Danae (Perseus mother) so he could still have his throne. king plydectes only want to marry Danae and leave Perseus, making himself selfish in his act.
In Greek mythology, Acrisius was the king of Argos, son of Abas and Aglaea and twin brother of Proetus. ... During the games, a bad throw of the discus by Perseus resulted in hitting Acrisius on the head, causing his grandfather's instant death, and thus fulfilling the prophecy of the oracle.
King Acrisius died when his grandson Perseus accidentally hit him with a discus.
In Greek Mythology, Argolis was divided into two sections: Argos which was ruled by Acrisius and Tiryns which was ruled by Proëtus.
In Greek mythology, Acrisius was the ancient king of Argos. When he was told a prophecy, he shut his daughter Danae inside a bronze tower.
King Acrisius locked Danae in a tower because the Oracole of Apollo told him a son of Danae would kill him, so therefor he did not want her to have any children
Acrisius,as a mythical king of Argos, and a son of Abas is called Calibos
King Acrisius daughter was called Danae
strikes him with lightening when king acrisius raises his sword into the sky.
King Acrisius died when his grandson Perseus accidentally hit him with a discus.
In Greek Mythology, Argolis was divided into two sections: Argos which was ruled by Acrisius and Tiryns which was ruled by Proëtus.
In Greek mythology, Acrisius was the ancient king of Argos. When he was told a prophecy, he shut his daughter Danae inside a bronze tower.
He gets killed
King Acrisius locked Danae in a tower because the Oracole of Apollo told him a son of Danae would kill him, so therefor he did not want her to have any children
Perseus was the son of Danae, who was the daughter of King Acrisius of Argos.
Danaë most likely bore him in Argos, for her father was Acrisius, King of Argos
Acrisius,as a mythical king of Argos, and a son of Abas is called Calibos
King Acrusius was Danae's Dad, mother of PerseusBut his name was actually Acrisius, or in Greek, Ἀκρίσιος (Akrisios). He was the King of Argos and was later killed by Perseus, as was prophesied.
In the end, Acrisius dies at the hands of his grandson Perseus during a discus-throwing competition. This fulfills the prophecy that his daughter DanaΓ«'s son would kill him, as he tried to prevent Perseus from becoming the king of Argos.