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Crops were needed as a surplus to help create trade between cultures.

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Q: What was needed as a surplus to help create trade between cultures?
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Crops were needed as a surplus

What is the difference between a surplus and a deficit?

A surplus is more than needed, a deficit is a shortage or loss

Deffrentiate between surplus and deficit?

If the Government expenditures are more than government receipts this situation represents Budget Deficit and if the government expenditures are less than the government revenue or the revenues are more than expenditures, the budget is Surplus.

What is surplus food?

More food than is needed at the time.The word surplus means you have more than enough of something, more than is needed. So a surplus of food is when there is extra food, more than is necessary. the surplus is like list some of crops and animals they usedFood surplus is when you have lots of food.

What is a amount that is more than needed?


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more then needed surplus (ADJECTIVE)

What is the definition of surplus in social studies?

Surplus means an excess or more than needed.

What is surplus ammo?

Surplus ammo is ammo that was manufactured for a military, but was eventually not needed, and so sold to the private sector.

Having more than needed?

Having more than is needed= surplus, excess and superfluent

Having more than is needed?

Having more than is needed= surplus, excess and superfluent

What is an amount over and above what's needed?

An ammount which is over and above what is needed is surplus.

What is the amount produced in excess of what is needed?

The excess amount produced beyond what is required is referred to as surplus. This surplus can occur in various sectors such as agriculture, manufacturing, or services, leading to a temporary imbalance between supply and demand in the market.