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if my research is correct they are called the MADJI sorry that might be spelled wrong but its pronounced how it looks here mad-jI

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Q: What was pharaoh guards called?
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What was a female pharaoh called?

Also a Pharaoh.

What are Pharaoh graves called?

Pharaoh's graves are known as tombs.

Who was the fist pharaoh in Egypt?

I can't find a pharaoh who was called the Fist Pharaoh. Maybe you misspelled something ...

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The absolute ruler of Egypt was the Pharaoh.

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he is called a king and not a Pharaoh because he was only 10 years old when he died and he was the only Pharaoh they found with all the gold in the tomb!

What is the person that guards the net called in soccer?

In football, or soccer, the goalie guards the net.

What is the person called in soccer that guards the net?

In football, or soccer, the goalie guards the net.

What is the meaning of the name pharaoh?

I know someone called Pharaoh and it means 'A ruler or leader'

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Why were there guards around a king in Egypt in the pyramids?

It is to protect the king's treasures for his afterlife because the pharaoh has to be rich in the afterlife, too. There is a book called The Book of Death to guide him through the dangers of Duat. Mostly because of robbers who want gold.

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