The Greek Heroic Age followed the Trojan war and lasted about six generations. This age is described by Hesiod in his 'Age of Man.' The heroes are often shown as having supernatural strength from the gods, nobility and divine favor.
There were several ages in Ancient Greece. Most of them are not very talked about but here are all of the popular ages.
It is supposed to be the period around the Trojan War - the 12th Century BCE, covering the early Achaean Greek civilisation. We have no real historical record of this period, just the archeological evidence and the traditional (not historical) stories concocted by the bards who made a living providing the entertainment of the epic poems.
However Homer's poetic stories - Iliad and Odyssey - cover a preiod well beyond that - with elements fron the 14th to the 8th Century BCE mixed up in the core stories..
The 12th Century covers the end of the Mycenaean civilisation - thereafter the Sea People and the Dorian Greeks moved into Greece, and the growing surplus populations in Greece (Ionians and Dorians) began to spread east and colonise the Aegean Islands and Asia Minor - a process which lasted for half a millennium and extended west to the Western Mediterranean (Sicily, Italy, North Africa etc).
ancient Greece lasted the shortest time
Ancient Greece
Ancient Greece
Ancient Greece
'Aphrodite's time' stretches into ancient history of Greece during the time when the mythology of today was the religion of then; there were many people who were regarded as important then who we do not remember and many still that we do remember.
Ancient Greece
During which dates? There were many "emperors" of Ancient Greece, so i would need a specific time frame.
Greece had 16 rulers. Consisting of Queen cleopatera and micheal buble'
Christianity didn't exist yet during the time of Ancient Greece. You ever notice the years of Ancient Greece all end with "BC"? That stands for "before Christ" and it'd be pretty difficult for there to be Christians before Christ.
its not in ancient greece its in the viking place
No. The time period for what we refer to as Ancient Greece had ended before Catholicism began.
Athens were the ones that were allowed to participate in politics. This is in the time of the ancient Greece.
ancient Greece lasted the shortest time
No, only men were acting in ancient drama during classical time in Greece. Men were performing the female roles as well.
Ancient Greece.
ancient Greece
Ancient Greece