Rome, until the fall of the western empire, when it shifted to Constantinople.
The capitol of the Roman Empire was... wait for it... ROME! Oh my. Constantinople was the capitol of THE BYZANTINE EMPIRE... Sources: My Social Studies Teacher and my Social Studies Textbook
After the capital of the Roman Empire was moved to Constantinople, the Empire lasted over 1000 years.
It was probably Rome, the capital of Italy now. By Hanna
It was known, while it existed, simply as the Roman Empire. In order to distinguish it from the Western Roman Empire, historians have taken to calling it the Byzantine Empire. This name refers to Byzantium, which was the original name of the city of Constantinople, the Eastern Roman Empire's capitol.
When the empire split into the Eastern Roman Empire and the Western Roman Empire due to differentiating details within the Christian Church, The capital of the Eastern Roman Empire was established in the ruins of the ancient city of Byzantium, and renamed Constantinople by the Emperor of the time: Constantine. The capital of the Western Roman Empire remained Rome, but the bulk of political power shifted to Constantinople.
When the Roman Empire fell in no longer existed. Therefore there was not a capital of the Roman Empire any more.
Roman Empire
Rome is the name of the western capital of the Roman empire.Rome is the name of the western capital of the Roman empire.Rome is the name of the western capital of the Roman empire.Rome is the name of the western capital of the Roman empire.Rome is the name of the western capital of the Roman empire.Rome is the name of the western capital of the Roman empire.Rome is the name of the western capital of the Roman empire.Rome is the name of the western capital of the Roman empire.Rome is the name of the western capital of the Roman empire.
After the capital of the Roman Empire was moved to Constantinople, the Empire lasted over 1000 years.
the capital of the Eastern Empire was Constantinople
Constantinople was the capital of the Roman Empire under Emperor Constantine the Great around 330 AD.
Rome Italy was not a country on its own back then, but the center of the great Roman empire. Rome was the capital of the early Roman empire, and also the capital of the Western Roman empire.
Constantinople was the administrative capital of the Roman Empire from 330 AD. It was the capital of the East Roman Empire, and then of the medieval Roman Empire, now usually called the Byzantine Empire, until 1453, with a hiatus from 1203 to 1265.
For how many years constantinople the capital of a united roman empire ?
The last capital of the western part of the Roman Empire was Ravenna. It replaced Milan as the capital on 402.
Constantinople became the new capital in the year a.d. 312