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it was either the neathandarals or the ancient egyptians

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Possible Mesopotamia (Iraq)

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Q: What was the earliest civilisation?
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Who were the first people to speak Greek and are considered to be truly Greek?

It is not true. The earliest civilisation in the world where the Sumerians of Mesopotamia (Iraq). The second earliest civilisation was that of the Egyptians. Chinese and Indian civilisation also started before that of the Greeks.

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The earliest (the Shang) Chinese civilisation developed in the Huang Fe (the Yellow River valley) about 4000 years ago.

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The Indus Valley Civilization: Harappa, Mohenjodaro

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The first known homo sapiens evolved in Africa 10 to 5 million years ago. The earliest recorded civilisation in the Palaeolithic era was in Sudan (kurma civilisation) which was originally part of the Kingdom of Kush, well predating recorded history. The earliest human's skulls were similar to that of a gorilla or chimpanzee. The early humans lived in both the forest and the open savanna at a time that Africa was drying up.

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When the earliest civilisation ran out of first names for people, they gave all the good people the surname Smith. Then they just picked out random names for all of the other people.

What is the differences between indus civilisation and Egyptian civilisation?

The Indus valley civilisation is a far more older and civilisation than the egyptian civilisation. the Egyptians only wanted to live in a society where the king is like their god but the Indus valley civilisation is more like our present day life everybody gets to live a good life not only the I would prefer to live in the Indus valley civilisation than the Egyptian civilisation

What is the other name of Indus valley civilisation?

Harappan Civilisation.

What type of civilisation does Paris have?

Paris is the capital city of the country called France. As such it is unusual to think of it having a civilisation, it is the development of a civilisation.

Is 'civilisation' the same as 'civilization'?

"Civilisation" is simply a misspelled form of the word "Civilization".

What is the duration of Civilisation TV series?

The duration of Civilisation - TV series - is 10.83 hours.