Dun is a term which refers to ancient or medieval hill forts or Atlantic roundhouses in the British Isles. Evidence suggests that the Dun was brought to the Isles by the Celts in the 7th century BC.
Celtic is not the same as British. The Celts lived in the British Isles, but also through much of what is now France and Germany.
The Celts came from Europe (Including the British Isles).
taga pines ka ba??
Himilco was the Phoenician who traveled to England. He went around Spain from Carthage and landed in the British Isles.
The Pagan Religions of the Ancient British Isles was created in 1991.
the first british settlers in australia were exiled convicts
The first people known to settle in the British isles were the Celtics. According to archaeologists, they arrived in 6th century BC.
Dun is a term which refers to ancient or medieval hill forts or Atlantic roundhouses in the British Isles. Evidence suggests that the Dun was brought to the Isles by the Celts in the 7th century BC.
Celtic peoples.
The British Isles were first inhabited by the Celts.
No, there is no single leader of the British Isles. What is called the British Isles has a number of countries and they each have their own leaders. The British Isles is a geographical reference, not a political one.
GB indicates Great Britain, which has only existed as a political concept for the last few hundred years. You probably want to ask about the first people in the British Isles, which have existed as a geographical concept since the last Ice Age ended, about 10,000 years ago. The first inhabitants of the British Isles are usually called Ancient Britons.
A brief history of the British Isles from first to last is: Briton culture roman invasion power vacuum in Britain anglo-saxon invasion
British Isles