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The Insular Celtic group, settled during the Iron Age due to migration from the rest of Europe are the earliest known civilization of the British Isles. However, the Islands are known to be inhabited since as early as the Stone Age.

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The first real civilization began with the Romans in 43AD

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The Brythons, and Picts.

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The Celts of pre-Roman Britain.

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Q: What was the first known ancient civilization of the british isles?
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The British Isles were first inhabited by the Celts.

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GB indicates Great Britain, which has only existed as a political concept for the last few hundred years. You probably want to ask about the first people in the British Isles, which have existed as a geographical concept since the last Ice Age ended, about 10,000 years ago. The first inhabitants of the British Isles are usually called Ancient Britons.

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