Ichor. It is like blood, only it belongs to gods and goddesses.
The ancient Greeks believed that the gods had "Golden Blood" or ichor running through their veins instead of regular blood like mortals.
I depends on which mythology. The Greeks believed that the gods veins flowed with a golden substance know as ichor, which made them immortal. The Norse and Egyptian on the other hand both had characters in their mythology who were killed. Most famous among these two are Osiris and Balder
It is a type of blood believed to have the colour of gold. it is called ichor
The heart, arteries and veins of the circulatory system were all well known t people from prehistoric times. Its true function was not known, however, until William Harvey (April 1, 1578 - June 3, 1657) showed that it recirculated the same blood throughout the body.
Ichor is the fluid believed to have run through the veins of the gods.
The blood of the gods was called Golden Ichor.
Ichor is the fluid that flows like blood in the veins of immortal Greek gods and goddesses.
they did not have blood they had a substance called"ichor' flowed in their veins
they had a special type of blood in their veins
arteries and veins
what veins does it pass through
Irish blood runs through these veins
Veins have valves in them which help transport the blood.
through your veins
By your heart pumping the blood through your veins.
The pressure your heart creates by pulsing, pumps blood through the veins