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Achilles' mother, Thetis, dipped him in the Styx River to make him invulnerable, but she was careless not to include the part by which she was holding him - his heel, the only part of his body where he could be wounded. So Achilles died when Paris shot him with his bow and arrows.

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

When he was a baby Achilles mother Nereid Thetis dipped him into the the river Styx to render him invulnerable but the water failed to reach the heel by which she held him. Later when news reached his parents of a threatening war with Troy they dressed him in girls clothing and sent him to live among the daughters of King Lycomedes of Scyros .

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Q: What was the name of the river Achilles was dipped in?
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What river did Achilles' dipped him in the Trojan War?

Achilles was dipped into the River Styx.

What was the rive in which Achilles' mother dipped him in?

Thetis (Achilles' mother) dipped Achilles into the River Styx, located in the Underworld

Who was dipped into the river Styx in an attempt to make him immortal?

Achilles was notably dipped in the river in such an attempt.

A greek hero whose mother dipped him into a magical river?

The hero's name is Achilles and she did this to make him invicible. Sadly I don't remember the mother's name but I know that she is a water nymph. The only part of Achilles that wasn't invincible was his heel that she held him by when she dipped him in the river. This is where whe get the term Achilles's heel.

What did Achilles mother do to him when he was a baby?

She dipped him in the river styx.

Who is mother dipped in the river styx?

If you're asking what mother dipped her son in the River Styx, the answer is: Thetis. If you're asking who got dipped in the River Styx by his mother, the answer is: Achilles.

What is the legend of Achilles?

The legened is that when Achilles was fighting in the Trojan war he was hit by a bow and arrow and it killed him because when he was little he was dipped in a special river and the only part that that was not dipped was his Achilles heel

Why wasn't Achilles fully dipped in immortal?

For one, He wasn't "Dipped in immortal" he was dipped in the river called Styx. Also he was being held by his ankle, therefore his ankle wasn't dipped in the River.

How did the mother of Achilles attempt to make him immortal?

Thetis was Achilles mother. She dipped Achilles into the River Styx, by holding him by his ankles. As the water failed to touch where his mother held him, his heels proved to be his weak spot.

How the famous greek Aeschylus was kΔ±lled?

The famous Achilles was killed by an arrow through the heel by Paris because Achilles killed his brother Hector. Achilles only had one weak spot because his mother dipped him in the river Styx and the only part of his body that was not dipped in the river was his heel.

What is the main character in the myth about the baby that got dipped into the magical river?

Wasn't it Achilles? That's where the expression Achilles' heel comes from... an Achilles' heel is an area of the body that is your weakspot, because it is said Achilles was dipped into the river held by his heel, so the only area that wasn't blessed by the water of Immortality was his heel, hence the saying.

Why was Achilles heel vulnerable?

Thetis dipped Achilles in the waters of the River Styx, by which means he became invulnerable, except for the part of his heel by which she held him-the proverbial "Achilles' heel."