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The wolves name is Lupa from what is says about her in Roman mythology she will kill you if you show any sign of fear or failure

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Q: What was the name of the wolf that raised Romulus and Remus?
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Are romulus and remus roman gods?

No, by Roman legend they were the twin sons of Mars, god of war. They were abandoned at birth, and then found and raised by a she-wolf, and then they were raised by a shepherding family. Romulus is credited with founding the city, and in turn the empire, of Rome.

In Roman mythology what twins were raised by a wolf?

Romulus and Remus were the two boys who were abandoned at a very early age them adopted by a wolf who sooner brought them to her pack where they were raised until becoming great powerful men.

The animal who looked after Romulus and Remus?

The animal that looked after Romulus and Remus was not only the she-wolf, but it was also a woodpecker, two animals sacred to their father, Mars.

Who founded Rome?

According to the legend, the two brothers that founded the city of Rome were Romulus, and Remus. BUT, Romulus and Remus couldn't decide witch hill they should build Rome on. The two brothers argued until Romulus threw a brick at Remus's head. Remus died and Romulus became the first king of Rome.ROMULOS AND REMUSLegend has it that they were twins and abandoned as newly bornA she wolf raised them.The two brothers Romulus and Remus, Romulus killed Remus and gained control of the new empire. He named it after himself.However the story of them being raised by a she-wolf is a distortion. Prostitutes were banned in the city, and would howl like wolves outside the city walls soliciting custom: they were known as she-wolves. So Romulus and Remus were raised by a prostitute hired as wet nurse after their mother died.Legend says that Romulus and Remus started Rome. This is true but Romulus and Remus were ancestors of Aeneas who led a group of Trojans after the fall of Troy to where Rome now lies. They were said to have been raised by wolves and Romulus killed Remus and became king of Rome. This is of course is a myth.It was really started out of just a village formed where Rome was by the two Italian tribes of Sabine and the Latins in the 8th century. Later Etruscans settled here and turned into the Elite class of Romans. The etruscans later lost power and the originial tribed formed the republic which lasted until 27 a.d at which point it became an Empire.

What animal raised romulus and ramus?

A she wolf.

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What is the Roman She-Wolf?

her name was lupa she raised romulus abd remus

What raised Romulus and remus?

a female wolf with 9 babys

What two brothers are the mythological founders of the city of rome?

Romulus and Remus, twin brothers raised by a she wolf.

Why is there a wolf on the badge of the city of Rome?

Romulus and Remus were raised by a female wolf and romulus founded the city of Rome

Who raised the twin brothers romulus and remus?

A wolf raised them until a Shepherd found and raised them.

How were Romulus and Remus saved?

They were suckled in infancy by a she-wolf.

What animal was Romulus and Rem es raised by?

Romulus and Remus were fed by a wolf and a woodpecker until they were found and taken in by a shepherd.

These twin brothers were nursed by wolf and grew up to become the founders of Rome?

The twin brothers you're referring to are Romulus and Remus. Legend has it that they were abandoned as infants and raised by a she-wolf. As adults, they fought over where to build the city of Rome, leading to Romulus killing Remus and establishing Rome in 753 BC.

What were the names of the twin brothers that were raised by a wolf and grew up to become the founders of rome?

Romulus and Remus.They were later found by a shepherd who raised them as his own children.

What is the legend of Rome's founding'?

The legend of Rome's founding is that Romulus and Remus were descendants of Aeneas and were deserted by their mother when they were born. They were raised by a wolf and when they grew up they moved to settle in Italy. The 2 fought about where to found a city so Romulus killed Remus and founded Rome.He was abounded by his mother then founded by a wolf.The wolf then soon raised him

Are there any roman myths?

yes many such as romulus and remus who were the founders of rome and they were raised by a wolf in the wild

What were the name of the twin brothers nursed by a wolf?

You're thinking of Romulus and Remus.