The suitors of Helen were made to swear an oath to follow and serve the man that became her husband. That way they would not kill the poor man once he was married to her.
So they wont betray them.
So they wont betray them.
they kill the suitors
He fights the suitors and kills all of them.
Eruymachus doesn't stop Odysseus, he helps him kill the suitors. All the suitors die in the end.
Helen's suitors agreed to make an oath to support the man Helen chose as her husband and to defend their marriage against any who might seek to harm it.
So they wont betray them.
So they wont betray them.
Helene Leclerc goes by Helene L..
Helen of Troy was Queen of Sparta before Paris made her his wife. Her father had had to make a oath so that all her suitors would defend the man that she choose for husband - Menelaus.
Helene Berthe's birth name is Helene Roelofsen.
Helene Reynolds's birth name is Helene Fortesque.
Helene Mladova's birth name is Helene Walton.
Helene Taylor's birth name is Helene Marie Taylor.
Helene Leclerc's birth name is Helene Siwan Leclerc.
Summer Helene's birth name is Summer Helene Morris.
Helene Hanff's birth name is Helene Marjorie Hanff.