The colors of the double crown were white and red.
Neithhotep A, a princess of Northern Egypt
I believe it is Kaliph II and Jokhan.
The Double Crown of Upper and Lower Egypt is also known as the Pschent crown. King Menes of Memphis founded the First Egyptian Dynasty around 3100 BC and unified the Two Lands of Upper and Lower Egypt. As a symbol of unity between the Two Lands, King Menes created the Double Crown by inserting the White Crown of Upper Egypt into the Red Crown of Lower Egypt. The double crown was an amalgamation of the white crown (Ancient Egyptian name 'hedjet') of Upper Egypt and the red crown (Ancient Egyptian name 'deshret') of Lower Egypt.Thanks!
King Menes!
The significance is that his crown symbolized the kingdom's unity ( Upper and Lower Egypt), he wore a double crown: the helmet-like white crown represented Upper Egypt, and the open red crown represented Lower Egypt.
there isn't any. because it was just a peice of metal
The significance is that his crown symbolized the kingdom's unity ( Upper and Lower Egypt), he wore a double crown: the helmet-like white crown represented Upper Egypt, and the open red crown represented Lower Egypt.
The double crown represented the unification of the two regions of Egypt, upper and lower Egypt.
Unanswered or unknown
The colors of the double crown were white and red.
je no seppa
Double Crown Resources.....symbol is DDCC.
Neithhotep A, a princess of Northern Egypt
Pharaohs wore the royal Deshret (Red Crown), Hedjet (White Crown), Peshent (Red and White Crown), Khepresh (Blue Crown) and Nemes (Head-Cloth Crown). The queens wore Cap-Crown or other fancy headdresses).
to symbolize the kingdom's unity