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Hera tried to stop Hercules from completing the twelve labors. She failed in the end but

She kept tormenting him by cursing him. It is said that Hera CURSED Hercules and instead of killing his enemy's, he killed his own son. Also, jealous of Zeus, she tried to get back at all of the women he dated by cursing them too. Once, Zeus was dating a girl and Hera, obviously jealous, asked to see her. When Zeus brought the girl to Hera she turned her into a cow. Then she turned her into a monster with eyes all over its body. Zeus, feeling bad for the girl, called on his loyal servant Hermes to kill the monster. Hermes approached the monster and put him to sleep using hypnotic music. He then demolished the body with a stone. But, Hera already knowing that Hermes and Zeus were planning this, took all the eyes out of the body the night before and spread them out on the pecock's feathers' to honor her loyal servant. Hera also gave birth to Ares, Enyo, Hephaestus, and Eris. She also created the milky way when milk spurted from her breats. So that's basically some of her accomplishments... She has the symbols of a peacock, a cow, a pomegranite, a lily, a diadem, and a scepter. i don't have reference sights for this because I forgot to writ them down. :)

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