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The Hittites may have been among the first to work meteoric iron for use as a precious metal in such things as thrones and ceremonial daggers. There is no evidence that they know how to produce iron cost-effectively enough, and to make it hard enough, to use as weapons of war.

Probably the most important Hittite contribution is to modern history. Hittite diplomatic tablets tended to include long preambles about negotiations that had gone before, and about the history of relations between Hatti and other nations.

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13y ago

The main contribution of the Hittites would definitely have to be the discovery of iron. They had iron before any other colony did. They fought other groups with iron while the others were still fighting with iron. Iron was introduced to other civilizations about 200 years later, when the Hittites power fell. This was called the Iron Age, after the Bronze Age.

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Iron Weapons.

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