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The Spartans believed that they were always protected.

Believed that if you rested or cried then that meant that you were soft and not a good warrior. So they killed you.

Spartan children did not learn to read or write.

Children were taken away from their mothers at age 7 to be trained to become a warrior.

Believed in Greek mythology - especially Ares.

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Q: What were spartan beliefs?
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spartan....... Adjective spartan (comparativemore spartan, superlative most spartan) Positivespartan Comparativemore spartan Superlativemost spartan # austere, frugal or characterized by self-denial #: I went on the retreat to the monastery thinking I would be sleeping in a spartan cell to discover a simple, but comfortable bedroom. # resolute in the face of danger or adversity #: The spartan legionnaries vowed to fight to the death. # lacking in decoration and luxury #: After ten years as a fashion designer in the rough-and-tumble Garment District, Eloise left New York for the spartan but serene life of a farmer's wife. Retrieved from ""

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