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Fruits and raw vegetables.


Answer: The monastic diet was extremely healthy and fairly well balanced, but often very repetitive and boring. Monks were governed by the Regula Benedicti (the Rule of St Benedict), which forbade the eating of the flesh of any animal with four legs. It does not forbid the meat of birds or fish and makes no mention of animal fats.

Dairy products, bread, fruit, cereal grains, vegetables, eggs, fish and poultry made up most of the daily diet, with only occasional treats such as honey cakes or pastries.

The absence of meat in the diet was always a cause for complaint and dissatisfaction in the monasteries; by the 14th century special dispensation was given by a Pope for monks to eat meat occasionally (but not all at once, and never in the refectory). This meant that monks were able to have meat dishes in a special room known as the misericord ("mercy").

At Ely in the week beginning 5 August 1336, the monks of the monastery were served on Sunday eggs, chicken, pigeon and dripping (animal fat); on Monday pottage and cod; on Tuesday fresh meat and mutton, on Wednesday fresh white herring and cod; on Thursday fresh meat, white herring and cod; on Friday white herring and cod; on Saturday dripping, milk, white herring and cod.

Anyone who was not fond of fish would find such a menu distressing.

In 1179 the writer and observer Gerald of Wales dined with the Prior of Canterbury at his table in the refectory; he noted in particular the many dishes contrived with eggs, herbs and pepper.

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13y ago

Priests usually ate bread, water, fruit and soups.

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thanks for answer it helped me alot

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12y ago

Medieval Monks eat fried worms, atop toast with butter and jam. Also, little cut off fish toes, all smushed together between two monkee breasts

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15y ago

bread and water mainly except on a feast day

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The medieval priest ate trout and tobacco leaves.

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Crackers and wine

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they eat things the they eat

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Q: What would a medieval priest eat on daily bases?
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