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Q: What year did the senate block Caesar's election as consul?
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Was Julius Caesar criticised for anything during his reign?

Julius Caesar was criticized for many things during his time in power. All his acts as consul were considered illegal by the senate. This was because his co-consul, who was a member of the opposing party, tried to block Caesar from passing any legislation by "taking the omens". Whenever any consul was looking for omens, no senate business could be conducted. Caesar saw through the tactic and barreled ahead with his pieces of legislation. He was also criticized for not obeying the senate and giving up his command when the wars in Gaul were over. After winning the civil war, he was criticized for not relinquishing his dictatorial powers and that criticism boiled over into his assassination.Julius Caesar was criticized for many things during his time in power. All his acts as consul were considered illegal by the senate. This was because his co-consul, who was a member of the opposing party, tried to block Caesar from passing any legislation by "taking the omens". Whenever any consul was looking for omens, no senate business could be conducted. Caesar saw through the tactic and barreled ahead with his pieces of legislation. He was also criticized for not obeying the senate and giving up his command when the wars in Gaul were over. After winning the civil war, he was criticized for not relinquishing his dictatorial powers and that criticism boiled over into his assassination.Julius Caesar was criticized for many things during his time in power. All his acts as consul were considered illegal by the senate. This was because his co-consul, who was a member of the opposing party, tried to block Caesar from passing any legislation by "taking the omens". Whenever any consul was looking for omens, no senate business could be conducted. Caesar saw through the tactic and barreled ahead with his pieces of legislation. He was also criticized for not obeying the senate and giving up his command when the wars in Gaul were over. After winning the civil war, he was criticized for not relinquishing his dictatorial powers and that criticism boiled over into his assassination.Julius Caesar was criticized for many things during his time in power. All his acts as consul were considered illegal by the senate. This was because his co-consul, who was a member of the opposing party, tried to block Caesar from passing any legislation by "taking the omens". Whenever any consul was looking for omens, no senate business could be conducted. Caesar saw through the tactic and barreled ahead with his pieces of legislation. He was also criticized for not obeying the senate and giving up his command when the wars in Gaul were over. After winning the civil war, he was criticized for not relinquishing his dictatorial powers and that criticism boiled over into his assassination.Julius Caesar was criticized for many things during his time in power. All his acts as consul were considered illegal by the senate. This was because his co-consul, who was a member of the opposing party, tried to block Caesar from passing any legislation by "taking the omens". Whenever any consul was looking for omens, no senate business could be conducted. Caesar saw through the tactic and barreled ahead with his pieces of legislation. He was also criticized for not obeying the senate and giving up his command when the wars in Gaul were over. After winning the civil war, he was criticized for not relinquishing his dictatorial powers and that criticism boiled over into his assassination.Julius Caesar was criticized for many things during his time in power. All his acts as consul were considered illegal by the senate. This was because his co-consul, who was a member of the opposing party, tried to block Caesar from passing any legislation by "taking the omens". Whenever any consul was looking for omens, no senate business could be conducted. Caesar saw through the tactic and barreled ahead with his pieces of legislation. He was also criticized for not obeying the senate and giving up his command when the wars in Gaul were over. After winning the civil war, he was criticized for not relinquishing his dictatorial powers and that criticism boiled over into his assassination.Julius Caesar was criticized for many things during his time in power. All his acts as consul were considered illegal by the senate. This was because his co-consul, who was a member of the opposing party, tried to block Caesar from passing any legislation by "taking the omens". Whenever any consul was looking for omens, no senate business could be conducted. Caesar saw through the tactic and barreled ahead with his pieces of legislation. He was also criticized for not obeying the senate and giving up his command when the wars in Gaul were over. After winning the civil war, he was criticized for not relinquishing his dictatorial powers and that criticism boiled over into his assassination.Julius Caesar was criticized for many things during his time in power. All his acts as consul were considered illegal by the senate. This was because his co-consul, who was a member of the opposing party, tried to block Caesar from passing any legislation by "taking the omens". Whenever any consul was looking for omens, no senate business could be conducted. Caesar saw through the tactic and barreled ahead with his pieces of legislation. He was also criticized for not obeying the senate and giving up his command when the wars in Gaul were over. After winning the civil war, he was criticized for not relinquishing his dictatorial powers and that criticism boiled over into his assassination.Julius Caesar was criticized for many things during his time in power. All his acts as consul were considered illegal by the senate. This was because his co-consul, who was a member of the opposing party, tried to block Caesar from passing any legislation by "taking the omens". Whenever any consul was looking for omens, no senate business could be conducted. Caesar saw through the tactic and barreled ahead with his pieces of legislation. He was also criticized for not obeying the senate and giving up his command when the wars in Gaul were over. After winning the civil war, he was criticized for not relinquishing his dictatorial powers and that criticism boiled over into his assassination.

What is consul tribune and veto associated with?

Consul tribune was a military and civil officer in ancient Rome, elected to protect the interests of the plebeians. Veto is a Latin word meaning "I forbid" used for the power to reject decisions or proposals made by others, which originated in ancient Rome where officials could block laws passed by the senate.

Can the Senate block any action of the house but the house can not block any action of the Senate?


What was the main responsibility of the consul?

The main responsibility of a consul was to voice the opinion of the patricians(the rich) in ancient Rome. Two were elected by the senate each year and there jobs were too supervise the business of government and command the armies. They however were only able too serve one term. The plebeians( the commoners and the poor) elected tribunes to keep their part in society and voice in the government and making decisions heard by the senate. They had the power to veto or block laws they felt went against the rights of the plebeians

How many different types of elections are held in Poland. And what they are?

1. Local Council election with mixed system of mono\multi- mandatory system with FPP\ Block list method or D'Hondt system in bigger districts. 2. Local Mayor election with regular majority system. 3. Presidential Election with regular majority system. 4. Sejm Election (Lower House of Parliament) with D'Hondt system. 5. Senate Election with D'Hondt system 6. European Parliament Election

How many votes in senate needed to block a bill?

The Senate can defeat a bill with 51 votes.

Why was Julius Caesar such a popular consul?

To understand the popularity of Julius Caesar, you have to understand the Roman class structure. Normally, the upper class had little or nothing to do with the lower classes. Caesar was one of the few patricians who did consider the lower classes and that's where he gained his popularity--with the lower classes. However his popularity with the upper class was suspect, afterall, it was upper class patricians that killed him. During his consulship, members of the senate who opposed him, tried to block all his legislation and even to prevent him from convening sessions of the senate by having his co-consul look for omens. The senate could not meet when this religious rite was being performed. (Caesar ignored this and went ahead with his plans.)

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Australia - House of Representitives and the Senate. House of Reps has the Prime Minister, the Party that wins the most votes in the House of Reps wins the election. Senate is made up of more minor parties (usually) and has the power to block legislation coming from the House of Reps.

What type of election ballot lists the candidates according to the office they are seeking?

an office block ballot

Can the president make appointments of ambassadors with the approval of the Senate?

The President can make ambassador appointments only with the "advice and consent of the Senate."

What position in the Senate is the second highest ranking member of their party and is responsible for making sure party members vote as a unified block?

The Party Whip ensures that the party votes as a unified block.

In election terms what does philobuster mean?

A filibuster is a parliamentary procedure used to delay or block a vote on a particular issue. It involves a long speech or series of speeches intended to use up time and prevent the Senate from reaching a final vote on a bill or nomination. This tactic is commonly used in the United States Senate to influence or stall the legislative process.