The British colonized Canada in an attempt to rid North America of the French. There were many benefits gained after Britain colonized Canada such as increased fur trade, higher American loyalist settlement, and others.
Witch Craft
The building of a trans-continental railway was one of the conditions for the colony of British Columbia agreeing to join Confederation. This was the major reason, but by no means the only one. The story of the Canadian Pacific Railway (CPR) has been told in many books, including two by Pierre Berton. There was also an excellent television mini series produced by the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC). It was based on Berton's books and was narrated by him. For more information, Google: history "canadian pacific railway"
Maryland was the first proprietary colony founded in the New World. The charter for the colony was granted by the King, but in reality the Lord Proprietor had complete authority to administer the colony as he saw fit.
The first colony in Africa was the Greek controlled areas of Egypt in the 500's BC.
The difference between Dominion and Colony are not as apparent as black and white. Dominion refers to a land owned by another but with a government of its own where a Colony refers to a territory that retains ties to the parent state for control and governance.
why the philippine become a british colony
Up until 1867 Canada was a British colony
Canada is predominantly an English-speaking country, based off its British heritage. About 22% of Canadians speak French and they are mostly based in Quebec. Quebec used to be a French colony while the rest of Canada was a British colony, and they eventually united to become Canada.Although Canada is predominantly an English country, it is officially recognized as being bilingual: French andEnglish to recognize the history that Canada was created from a French and English colony.
No. Louisiana started as a French Colony, and was then later a Spanish Colony, at no point did it become a British holding.
Canada was originally a british colony before it got indipendance
The British North America Act made Canada a British colony. Canada did not become entirely independent until 1980, with the repatriation of the constitution. Canada remains part of the British Commonwealth, however, and Queen Elizabeth II remains Canada's head of state, although that is purely a ceremonial position (as it is in England as well).
Of the two British colonies, Canada is the best British colony to live compared to Australia.
Because British Columbia was found, settled, and founded by the British.