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Ramses II ruled Egypt from 179BC - 1213BC. He ruled for 66 years, and in that time had several wives, over 100 sons sons, 60ish daughters and was the first Pharoah of the 19th Dynasty. He was also supposedly Pharoah during the time of the Jewish Exodus from Egypt, led by Moses.

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16y ago
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12y ago

well rameses the 2 ruled when his father died but what i think is ramses the 2 died because of the ten pleageus because he was the first born when the pleagues hit he must have died so he probably didnt rule

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10y ago

Ramses II ruled from 1279 BC until 1213 BC. He was a Pharaoh during Egypt's 19th Dynasty. His most famous consort during this time was Nefertari.

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15y ago

66 years

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7y ago

1279-1213 bce

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7y ago

for 67 years between 1279 and 1213 BC

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13y ago

He became pharoh in his early twenties

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1279 BC

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70 years

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New Kingdom, 19th dynasty, Pharaoh Ramses II known as Ramses the Great, reigned 1279-1213BC

When did King Rammses II rule?

Ramses II was a Pharaoh in Egypt from 1279 BC until 1213 BC. His reign lasted 66 years during the 19th Dynasty.

Which dynasty was Ramses II from?

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