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Romans did not invent the dome. It is not known when the first dome was created but it can be traced back to prehistoric times.

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Q: When did Romans invent the dome?
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Did the Romans invent the dome?

Yes, the romans invented the dome.

Did Romans invent domes?

Yes, they did. It was the Roman's invention of concrete that made the dome possible.

What two shapes did Romans invent to use in their architecture?

The Romans invented the shape of the dome and made wide use of the arch. Now they didn't invent the arch, the Etruscans and Greeks used the arch before them, but they refined it and adapted it to their own architecture.The Romans invented the shape of the dome and made wide use of the arch. Now they didn't invent the arch, the Etruscans and Greeks used the arch before them, but they refined it and adapted it to their own architecture.The Romans invented the shape of the dome and made wide use of the arch. Now they didn't invent the arch, the Etruscans and Greeks used the arch before them, but they refined it and adapted it to their own architecture.The Romans invented the shape of the dome and made wide use of the arch. Now they didn't invent the arch, the Etruscans and Greeks used the arch before them, but they refined it and adapted it to their own architecture.The Romans invented the shape of the dome and made wide use of the arch. Now they didn't invent the arch, the Etruscans and Greeks used the arch before them, but they refined it and adapted it to their own architecture.The Romans invented the shape of the dome and made wide use of the arch. Now they didn't invent the arch, the Etruscans and Greeks used the arch before them, but they refined it and adapted it to their own architecture.The Romans invented the shape of the dome and made wide use of the arch. Now they didn't invent the arch, the Etruscans and Greeks used the arch before them, but they refined it and adapted it to their own architecture.The Romans invented the shape of the dome and made wide use of the arch. Now they didn't invent the arch, the Etruscans and Greeks used the arch before them, but they refined it and adapted it to their own architecture.The Romans invented the shape of the dome and made wide use of the arch. Now they didn't invent the arch, the Etruscans and Greeks used the arch before them, but they refined it and adapted it to their own architecture.

What architectural feature did the Romans adopt from the Etruscans?

The dome was developed by the Romans and unknown to the Greeks.The dome was developed by the Romans and unknown to the Greeks.The dome was developed by the Romans and unknown to the Greeks.The dome was developed by the Romans and unknown to the Greeks.The dome was developed by the Romans and unknown to the Greeks.The dome was developed by the Romans and unknown to the Greeks.The dome was developed by the Romans and unknown to the Greeks.The dome was developed by the Romans and unknown to the Greeks.The dome was developed by the Romans and unknown to the Greeks.

Did the Romans invent dome s?

The earliest evidence of the presence of dome in in Iran and Mesopotamia and is dated to the 7th and 6th century. They were made of mud bricks. There is evidence for wooden domes in Etruria and Greece and were recorded in Roman Italy. The Romans were the first to build domes in concrete.

What 4 things did the Romans invent?

The Romans invented or improved a long, long list of things, but you only asked for four, so here they are: Concrete, the Dome, Central Heating, the Taxi Meter.

Why did the Romans invent the microscope?

The Romans didn't invent the microscope

What had the Romans invent?

The Romans invented concrete.

Whet did the Romans invent?

The Romans invented concrete.

What contribution did the roman empire make architecture?

Three of the contributions that the Romans made in architecture are the arch, the dome and the Composite style of pillar.Three of the contributions that the Romans made in architecture are the arch, the dome and the Composite style of pillar.Three of the contributions that the Romans made in architecture are the arch, the dome and the Composite style of pillar.Three of the contributions that the Romans made in architecture are the arch, the dome and the Composite style of pillar.Three of the contributions that the Romans made in architecture are the arch, the dome and the Composite style of pillar.Three of the contributions that the Romans made in architecture are the arch, the dome and the Composite style of pillar.Three of the contributions that the Romans made in architecture are the arch, the dome and the Composite style of pillar.Three of the contributions that the Romans made in architecture are the arch, the dome and the Composite style of pillar.Three of the contributions that the Romans made in architecture are the arch, the dome and the Composite style of pillar.

Was the which most significant contribution of the Romans to architecture?

The most significant contribution of the Romans to architecture had to be the dome. They were able to do this by the judicious use of concrete.The most significant contribution of the Romans to architecture had to be the dome. They were able to do this by the judicious use of concrete.The most significant contribution of the Romans to architecture had to be the dome. They were able to do this by the judicious use of concrete.The most significant contribution of the Romans to architecture had to be the dome. They were able to do this by the judicious use of concrete.The most significant contribution of the Romans to architecture had to be the dome. They were able to do this by the judicious use of concrete.The most significant contribution of the Romans to architecture had to be the dome. They were able to do this by the judicious use of concrete.The most significant contribution of the Romans to architecture had to be the dome. They were able to do this by the judicious use of concrete.The most significant contribution of the Romans to architecture had to be the dome. They were able to do this by the judicious use of concrete.The most significant contribution of the Romans to architecture had to be the dome. They were able to do this by the judicious use of concrete.

Did the Romans invent bowling?

No, the Romans did not invent bowls. Bowls were around for thousands of years before the Romans existd.