Roman boys left school at the age of 12 or 13, but if they were chosen to go to a special school, left that at the age of 14.
Hope this helps.
YES!Only boys went to school. At school they learned how to be a scribe. To be a scribe you had to be at least 10 years old. while the boys went to school, the girls stayed home and learned skills from there mothers. =)
They were tested on education around the ages 18-20. They retired military at the age of 60
The nine year old boys of talented peasants and royalty would study reading and writing in the school in the temple with the priest.
yes. teaching and education was very important. there were three types of schools music, sports, and general. poor families couldn't afford school. sport school was only for boys. music schools taught singing, poetry, and playing the lyre. general schools taught reading, writing, and arithmetics. boys began school at age seven and left at 18 to start their military training.
The army would accept recruits betwen the ages of eighteen and twenty-five.
only wealthy boys went to school in ancient Mesopotamia days.
Kids in the ancient roman time wold go to school the girls would only learn reading And writing The boys would learn math reading and writing
Roman boys went to school but believe it or not girls didn't go to school.
not girls
Boys were taught their fathers trade. They went to school, girls didn't
only boys were aloud to go to school beacause education for girl is not apropriet
No only the ancient boys went to school moms teach there girls around the house
Boys in ancient Egypt start school at 4 years old and end at 15 years old. Only boys could go to school and they learned reading and writing at the school master's house. After they finish school they train to become a scribe.
No, there was no school for spartan boys. From the age of six; legitamate, pure spartan boys started their rigorous training for the army.
Egyptian boys had more rights than girls back then