The Roman Republic was formed 509 BC. Up till then Rome had been ruled by Etruscan kings. The Roman took their gods from the Etruscans and their Italic ancestors and neighbors. Later they incorporated many of the Greek gods. This means that some of the Roman myths go far back in history or pre-history.
The word volcano more likely came from ROMAN mythology, not Greek, because the Roman god of fire and volcanoes was called Vulcan.
Cupid is a god of desire from Roman mythology. Rome is today in Italy.
AeneasAnswer 2Greek mythology did not bother with Romans. Aeneas belongs to the Roman mythology.
Greek Mythology - Hades Roman Mythology - Pluto
Ganymede was in Greek mythology not Roman , he was the most handsome amongst mortals.
greek mythology
Roman mythology
M. A. Dwight has written: 'Grecian and Roman mythology for schools' -- subject(s): Classical Mythology 'Grecian and Roman mythology' -- subject(s): Greek Mythology, Roman Mythology 'Grecian and Roman mythology' -- subject(s): Classical Mythology, Greek Mythology, Roman Mythology
The word volcano more likely came from ROMAN mythology, not Greek, because the Roman god of fire and volcanoes was called Vulcan.
Roman mythology did not have sects.
Cupid is a god of desire from Roman mythology. Rome is today in Italy.
In Greek Mythology, Artemis Roman Mythology, Diana
Roman mythology is based on/borrowed from Greek mythology, using diffrent names.
Cupid is a god of desire from Roman mythology. Rome is today in Italy.
Greco-Roman mythology.
In Roman mythology, Earth is known as Terra or Tellus. She is considered the goddess of the earth and fertility. Earth plays a vital role in the creation and sustenance of life in Roman mythology.
Jupiter was the ruler of the Gods in Roman Mythology?