Likely it was celebrated in June which the Roman goddess Juventas who was identified with Hebe was also said to be the named for the month as well as Juno.
Hebe was the goddess of youth and immortal - she never died.
hebe was the greek goddess of youth
Hebe, a Greek goddess, never died.
It is not told that Hebe, Greek goddess of youth feared anything: and she is immortal.
Youth: Hebe was the goddess of youth, and cub bearer to the gods and goddesses on Olympus.
The Greek goddess Hebe lived on Olympus.
Hebe was the goddess of youth and immortal - she never died.
hebe was the greek goddess of youth
Hebe was a girl.
Hebe, the Greek goddess, was largely worshiped in ancient Greece.
Hebe was born a goddess, the daughter of Greek gods Zeus and Hera.
Yes; Hebe was the Greek goddess of youth.
Hebe, a Greek goddess, never died.
Hebe, a Greek goddess, never died.
Hebe the goddess of youth lived on Olympus.
Hebe was a goddess, a daughter of Zeus and Hera and wife to Herakles and mother to Alexiares and Anticetus.