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All wars were paused during the olympic games in ancient Greece.

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Q: When the olympic games started did war happen in ancient Greece?
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What happen if you lost in the Olympic games in ancient Greece?

Oh, don't you worry, friend! In ancient Greece, losing in the Olympic Games was just a part of the journey. It was more about participating, doing your best, and showing sportsmanship. The important thing was to learn and grow from the experience, and to keep pursuing your passion with a joyful heart.

Where did the ancient Olympics happen?

in greece

What did the ancient Greece do to your history?

Ancient Greece did a lot of things to hour history. For example, Ancient Greece was the birthplace of democracy without which I dont know what would happen.

When and where did the ancient olympic happen?

It didn't really have a set place. I'm not sure about when they happened!

What would happen at the end of Ancient Greek olympic games?

some one will win

When did the first olympic happen?


What would happen to someone if they broke a rule or law in Ancient Greece?

they get punished traditional of course

Why did people move throughout Greece and away from the mainland after the Dark Age?

After the Greek dark ages, exciting things began to happen in ancient Greece. Villages started to band together to form strong trading centers. These groups of villages that banded together were called city-states. Soon, hundreds of city-states had formed in ancient Greece. TO BE A CITIZEN OF A CITY-STATE: The ancient Greeks referred to themselves as citizens of their individual city-states. Each city-state (polis) had its own personality, goals, laws and customs. Ancient Greeks were very loyal to their city-state. The city-states had many things in common. They all believed in the same gods. They all spoke the same language. After the Greek dark ages, exciting things began to happen in ancient Greece. Villages started to band together to form strong trading centers. These groups of villages that banded together were called city-states. Soon, hundreds of city-states had formed in Ancient Greece

Where did the god of war happen?

The series as a whole take splace in a quite obvious location, and time period, Ancient Greece.

When will the 38th Olympic games happen?

The 38th Olympic Games will happen in 2050.

Why do the winter Olympic games happen?

The Olympics are modeled after the ancient Greek Olympics which were a competition between Greek city-states. The Winter Olympics happen now to have snow and ice sports in the Olympics.

When did Olympic Gold happen?

Olympic Gold happened in 1992.