It is said that the Roman Empire was at its strongest in 117AD when its territories covered 5,000,000 km² or1,930,511mi². The countries it ruled included: Rome, Greece, Britain, Gaul (France), Tunisia, Israel, Syria, Corsica, Sardinia, Cyprus, Switzerland, Romania and a few others.
When it was absorbed into the Roman Empire by the 1st Century BCE.
People worshiped Zeus in the time of Ancient Greece and the great Greek Empire
The first Greek city-state was Mycenae (my-SEE-nee).
There never was a "Greek empire".
The official language in the western Roman Empire was Latin. Latin was also the official language of the eastern part of the Roman Empire, together with Greek. This was because it was the language of the Romans.
Religion and the Empire.
There was no ancient Greek empire. The Greek world comprised over 2,000 independent city-states spread around the Mediterranean and Black Seas.
There is no such thing as ancient greek mythology and there never was such a thing as ancient Greece.Greeks are descendants of the ottoman empire
In Athens, they had a strong navy because they were on the water. In Sparta, they had the strongest military in all of ancient Greece.
Macedonia was an Ancient Greek empire that had Babylonia in it as well as Babylonia when it was an empire, had the ancient kingdom of Macedonia in it.
He wanted to emulate both ancient Greek and Roman empires.The Roman Empire .
There wasn't one. With this in mind, Alexander the Great established a quasi-empire if you want to view it that way but there was never a 'Greek Empire' as such.
Numerous important Ancient Civilizations developed in the Middle East. The most famous two were the Ancient Egyptians and the various Mesopotamian Civilizations (like the Sumerians, Akkadians, Babylonians, Assyrians, the Neo-Assyrians, and the Neo-Babylonians, etc.). There were also the Persian and Mede Empires, the Hittite and Lydian Anatolian civilizations, the Phoenicians, the Ancient Greek City States, the Israelites (divided between Israel and Judah), and the Arameans.
The Assyrian Empire had the strongest and most deadliest military force of Ancient Mesopotamia.
Alexander the Great of the ancient Greek kingdom of Macedonia in the northern Greek peninsula.
The conflict led to ancient Greek kingdom of Macedonia's takeover of the Persian Empire.
No. The ancient Greek did not use the English language. Because there was no English language in that time. English language derived from Latin which was the official language of Roman Empire and the Roman Empire is the successor of ancient Greek the golden age of Greece.