The Levantine group that conquered Egypt in the Second Intermediate Period were called the HYKSOS.
The New Kingdom of Egypt, also referred to as the Egyptian Empire, is the period in ancient Egyptian history between the 16th century BC and the 11th century BC, covering the Eighteenth, Nineteenth, and Twentieth Dynasties of Egypt. The New Kingdom followed the Second Intermediate Period and was succeeded by the Third Intermediate Period. It was Egypt's most prosperous time and marked the peak of its power.That Other Girl Was Way WRONG !
Cleopatra ruled in the Ptolemaic time period of Egypt. The Ptolemies were Greeks who took over Egypt after the death of Alexander the Great.
This question gets into nebulous territory because there is no timeframe set. It's further nebulous because Egypt has had three types of regimes. The first are regimes ruled by people of Egyptian ethnicity from a capital in Egypt (what most people term direct rule) and will be indicated by "EE" (Egyptians in Egypt) below. The second type are regimes ruled by people of a non-Egyptian ethnicity from a capital outside of Egypt (what most people term indirect rule) and will be indicated by "FF" (Foreigners in Foreign Lands) below. The third type are regimes ruled by people of a non-Egyptian ethnicity from a capital within Egypt and will be indicated below by "FE" (Foreigners in Egypt). Early Dynastic Period of Egypt: 31st to 27th Centuries BCE - EE Old Kingdom of Egypt: 27th to 22nd Centuries BCE - EE First Intermediate Period: 22nd to 21st Centuries BCE - EE Middle Kingdom of Egypt: 21st to 17th Centuries BCE - EE Second Intermediate Period: ca 1640 to 1750 BCE - FE (Hyksos) New Kingdom of Egypt: 1570 to 1070 BCE - EE Achaemenid Egypt: 525 to 402 BCE - FF (Persians) Alexander the Great: 343 to 332 BCE -FF (Macedons) Ptolemaic Egypt: 332 to 30 BCE -FE (Greeks) Roman Egypt: 30 BCE to 395 CE -FF (Romans) Rightly-Guided and Umayyad Caliphates: 639 to 750 CE -FF (Arabs) Fatimid and Other Egyptian Caliphates: 750 to 1250 CE -EE Mamluk Egypt: 1250 to 1517 CE -FE (Arabs) Ottoman Egypt: 1517 to 1805 CE -FF (Turks) Khedivites: 1805 to 1882 CE -FE (Turks) Colonial Egypt: 1882 to 1922 CE -FF (Britain) Kingdom of Egypt: 1922 to 1953 CE -EE Republic of Egypt: 1953 to Present -EE
The Kingdom of Kush was an ancient state that existed (twice) in what is now the northern part of The Sudan. The first Kingdom of Kush developed around the settlement of Kerma (just above the third cataract on the Nile, in Upper Nubia). Although the Kingdom of Kush existed during the ancient Egyptian Old and Middle Kingdoms (2686 to 1650 BCE), Kerma reached its zenith during Egypt's Second Intermediate Period (1650 to 1500 BCE). The Ancient Egyptians referred to its inhabitants as the 'people of Yam'. At the end of the Middle Kingdom (1650 BCE), Lower Egypt fell under the control of the Hyksos, and Upper Egypt (particularly Nubia) was in disarray. During the Second Intermediate Period Upper Egypt was dominated by the Kush. But the resurgence of a united Egypt with the 18th Dynasty (1550 to 1295 BCE) brought the first kingdom of Kush to an end. New Kingdom Egypt (1550 to 1069 BCE) established control as far south as the fourth cataract and created the post of Viceroy of Kush, governing Nubia as a separate region (in two parts: Wawat and Kush). Egyptian control over Nubia declined, and by the eleventh century BCE, the Viceroys of Kush had become independent kings. During the Egyptian Third Intermediate Period a new Kushite kingdom emerged. By the late Period (747 to 332 BCE) Egypt had fallen under the control of Kush, and by the time of Piye the whole of Egypt, right up to the shores of the Mediterranean, was under Kush administration. But it was not to last -- in 671 BCE Egypt was invaded by the Assyrians, and by 654 BCE they had driven back the Kush back into Nubia.Kush remained safe behind the desolate landscape south of Aswan, developing a separate language and variant architecture. (It did, however, maintain the pharaonic tradition.) Eventually the capital was moved from Napata south to Meroe where a new 'Merotic' kingdom developed.
The first intermediate period period
The Hyksos.
Predynastic Period Early Dynastic Period Old Kingdom First Intermediate Period Middle Kingdom Second Intermediate Period New Kingdom Late Period Greece-Roman Period
Flail, First Intermediate Period, False beard, etc can i ask a Qustoin about this 1 "why F ?" :P
The division usually made is: Old Kingdom period, Middle Kingdom period and New Kingdom period, the Intermediate and Late period and finally the Ptolemaic period.
The Levantine group that conquered Egypt in the Second Intermediate Period were called the HYKSOS.
There were 10 dynasties in the first period of ancient Egypt. The end of the first period was when the 11th dynasty took over and that begun the second period of Egypt.
Hyksos were asiatic people of the 17th BCE who invaded in the eastern delta of Nile a period that inisiated the second intermediate period of ancient Egypt.
he was a pharoh that ended the first intermediate period.
it ended about 2040 B.C.
the second intermediate period end in 1540 BC