Artisans were goldsmiths, potters, sculptors, carpenters, painters, - basically all craftsmen.
They made beautiful things like life size stone carvings and perfume- tomb paintings and creative pottery.
Artisans have their own place on the Egyptian social class pyramid. they are between farmers and merchants. Craftsmen like Artisans did not get very much credit for their work. Occasionally their employers would throw a banquet for their favorite artist. Being an artisan took talent, skill, and time.
They used tools like granite and coloring and other hard tools. Some artisans worked for 10 days on an art project before taking a rest. Some went hungry during hard times of short food supply.
An artisan of ancient Egypt is a skilled Crafts person that specialized in painting, pottery, furniture making, making clothes, and much more. They were included in one of the last classes of the Social Pyramid but had a especially important role! They also didnt get much credit for there work!
One of the things that I find interesting about the Craftsman of Ancient Egypt is that they were the first people we know of that used batteries and could electroplate materials on to other material. They used old wine as the acid to make their batteries.
Other things that craftsman did in Egypt included brick masons, leather workers molder makers and others.
it affected because the artisans helped with a lot of art work in ancient Egypt, the artisans created paintings and wall carvings... all that
I don't know but if there is no answer then this is a dumb question
Ptah was the ancient Egyptian god of creation, craftsmen, and artisans.
royal familly,nobles,warriors,artisans,farmers, and slaves
the largest social class in Egypt of ancient Rome was made up of A artisans B farmers C soldiers D traders b.farmer
mostly of farmers and artisans and merchantshope this helps
scribes, artisans, and merchants
In Egypt of course!
they were pharoahs
Egypt did not really have a Middle Class in the Ancient Period the way that we understand it today (you were either noble or you were average). The people in the middle of the Egyptian social pyramid were merchants and artisans.
They were awesome! :p
artisans and scribes belonged to the upper middle-class in ancient Egypt.
The ancient egypts ecomomy is based on surplus and crops