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Homer, Odyssey 12. 168 ff (trans. Shewring) (Greek epic C8th B.C.) :

"The lordly sun-god Helios Hyperionides (Son of Hyperion)." Hesiod, Theogony 371 ff (trans. Evelyn-White) (Greek epic C8th or C7th B.C.) :

"And Theia was subject in love to Hyperion and bare great Helios (Sun) and clear Selene (Moon) and Eos (Dawn) who shine upon all that are on earth and upon the deathless Gods who live in the wide heaven." Homeric Hymn 31 to Helius (trans. Evelyn-White) (Greek epic C7th - 4th B.C.) :

"Glowing Helios (Sun) whom mild-eyed Euryphaessa (Wide Shining), the far-shining one, bare to [Hyperion] the son of Gaia (Earth) and starry Ouranos (Heaven). For Hyperion wedded glorious Euryphaessa, his own sister, who bare him lovely children, rosy-armed Eos (the Dawn) and rich-tressed Selene (the Moon) and tireless Helios (the Sun) who is like the deathless gods." Pseudo-Apollodorus, Bibliotheca 1. 8 - 9 (trans. Aldrich) (Greek mythographer C2nd A.D.) :

"The Titanes had children . . . Hyperion and Theia had Eos (Dawn), Helios (Sun), and Selene (Moon)." Pseudo-Hyginus, Preface (trans. Grant) (Roman mythographer C2nd A.D.) :

"From Hyperion and Aethra [were born] : Sol [Helios], Luna [Selene], Aurora [Eos]."

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Helios was the Greek mythological god of the sun.

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Did Helios live on the sun?

Helios was the sun, personified in Greek mythology.

Where did the cattle of Helios live?

The Cattle of Helios lived on the island of Thrinacia, equated with modern day Sicily.

Did Helios live when Zeus was born?

Yes, Helios was likely fully grown when Zeus was born. As a Greek god, neither died.

What is Thrinacia in The Odyssey?

Thrinacia is the island where the golden cattle of Helios live.

Where did the greek god Helios live?

He lived on Mount Olympus with the other Gods and Goddesses.

Can normal Helios become turbine Helios?

No, turbine Helios has a special mechanism that Helios doesn't. This mechanism is powered by a ripcord and spins the turbine Helios.

Who is Helios in The Odyssey?

In The Odyssey, Helios is the sun god who owns a herd of immortal cattle that live on the island of Thrinacia. When Odysseus and his crew land on the island, they kill and eat some of the cattle despite warnings not to, which angers Helios and leads to dire consequences for the crew.

How many gs does Helios have?

It depends, Helios has 500 G, Cyborg Helios has 700 G, and Maxus Helios Has 3700 G

How did Helios get his name?

Helios mean "sun" and Helios is the Greek Titan God of the Sun.

What language is Helios?

Helios comes from Latin.

When was HeliOS created?

HeliOS was created in 1988.

Is Helios an object or an animal?

Helios was a Greek god.