I'm not sure about this, but I truly believe that they very possibly doo-dooed in their in their little Greek drawers (aka.breeches)
The timeline of Greek history begins from 800 BC to 146 BC.
After the end of the ancient Greek civilization, belief in the Greek gods declined and their worship faded away. The gods were no longer actively worshipped and their influence in society diminished.
Yes but only the children of the scribes and those whose parents were wealthy. The majority of the people were illiterate.yes
No, actually, the play payed people in the audience so they wouldn't go anywhere.
Hades is a explication for ancient peoples of Greece that there was a place to go after death, and its King was Hades, ruler of the Underworld.
Acually the girls did not even go to school in ancient greece.
Greek schools were small. They had only one teacher and about ten or twenty children. The schools were not free and so only the rich could really afford to send their children to school.
They pooped on a object like me and you!!
go to google images and search ancient greek spartan map
go go ga ga
It's Ancient Greek for, Go to the crows, or, Go to the ravens, orrr, Go to hell.
The timeline of Greek history begins from 800 BC to 146 BC.
In ancient Greek myth, Dionysus did not go to a formal school.
After the end of the ancient Greek civilization, belief in the Greek gods declined and their worship faded away. The gods were no longer actively worshipped and their influence in society diminished.