Basically you had to be related to the Pharoh in order to become a Pharoh.
Yes She In Fact Was A Pharoh , She Had Become The Pharoh Of Egypt In 51BC
an Egyptian pharoh
cleopatra was and is a very famous female pharoh in Egypt. She is also concidered a beautiful pharoh
yes she was a pharaoh of egypt
Basically you had to be related to the Pharoh in order to become a Pharoh.
Yes She In Fact Was A Pharoh , She Had Become The Pharoh Of Egypt In 51BC
the answer is the second pharoh is king tut he was a king and a pharoh
they eithey died by poisoned, assasianed or by old age dependswhat pharoh you are talking about
Pharohs only. They mummified them to ensure a safe keeping of they body so that the pharoh could live a preserved afterlife
an egyption pharoh
an Egyptian pharoh
cleopatra was and is a very famous female pharoh in Egypt. She is also concidered a beautiful pharoh
No the Egyptians actually did not worship the Sphinx. The Sphinx was put in front of a pharoh's pyramid to protect the pharoh's ka. (The ka is the spirit of the pharoh, and the body must remain intact for the ka to recognize its body) The pyramid was the son of Khufu's. (I can't remember the son's name) Khufu was a pharoh.