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The Egytians got the idea from the rays of the sun.

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Q: Where did the egyptians get the idea of building pyramids?
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What did the Egyptians use to get to the top of the pyramids when building them?

A ramp.

How did the Ancient Egyptians organize building the pyramids?

the pharoah

What was the ancient Egyptians best achievement?

Building the pyramids.

What did Egyptians get for building pyramids?

It is believed that they are just tombs.

When building the pyramids what did the egyptians develop?

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Did Egyptians use Geometry?

yes for building pyramids

Why ancient egyptians stop building pyramids?

Ancient Egyptians stoped building pyramids mainly because of grave robbers. Since there were jewelry and valuable things, it attracted lots of grave robbers. They then made false passageways in the pyramids, but that didn't stop the robbers. Instead the Egyptians came up with the idea of making tombs.Ancient Egyptians did not stop building pyramids mainly because of grave robbers. They just quit believing in an afterlife. It had nothing to do with robbers.Because they stopped having divine rulers (rulers supposedly appointed by the gods)There were no more Pharaohs and there was no need for them to be put in tombs.

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When did EGYPTIAN build smooth sided pyramids

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How did the Egyptians civilization change?

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