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Mt. Olympus

Hercules is actually not from Mount Olympus - Heracles is. Hercules is the Roman name for the Greek Heracles. Heracles was born in Thebes, and I do not know where Hercules was born.

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Q: Where does Hercules live?
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Where did hercles live?

Hercules was born in Sparta, and lived there for most of his mortal life.

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21 Beltana Place Queensland Forest Lake

How long did Hercules live?

He was immortal because he was a god and he was strong,brave, and daring

Can a Hercules beetle live in the state of Missouri?

We found one just today in Missouri

Is Hercules a Greek god?

Hercules (originally Herakles, in Greek) was the son of a human woman, Alcmene, and the Greek god, Zeus. He was born mortal, but was allowed to live among the gods after he died.There's a great summary of the myth of Hercules called "Hercules, The Mortal Who Became a God" at eZine, which you can access via Related Links, below.

Where does the Hercules beetle live?

Hercules beetle lives in the rainforest of central America,south America and the greater antilles

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No, that was Hercules; wrong religion, buddy.

Where did the hydra from greek mythology live?

it was trapped in a cave until Hercules accidentally unleashed it (but it was shortly killed)

How old did Hercules live to be?

He died from the poisoned skin of a centaur and then his father made him a god on Mount Olympus.

Who helped relieve Prometheus from his punishment?

Zeus had every intention of leaving Prometheus to the eagle for eternity, but Hercules killed the eagle and freed Prometheus from the mountains he was nailed to.