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the sea

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Q: Where does poseiden live?
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What is poseiden travel?

poseiden travel is a traveling angency

What is Poseiden's name in Roman?

Poseiden's name in Roman is Neptune.

Where is the temple of poseiden?

the temple of poseiden is located in someone's butt whoever said that

How is aqua man related to poseiden?

aqua man is an modern toy version of poseiden or neptune

Where did poseiden live?

um that's a no brainer! he was the God of the Seas (well mostly that) but he lived in the Ocean! the larges one to be exact....

What was Poseiden a god of?

The ocean.

Was the poseiden a true story?


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Who is poseiden married to?


How did poseiden become a god?

Poseiden was eaten along with his brothers by the ruling Titan Cronus. Zeus escaped this fate and eventually released his brothers by killing Cronus. Zeus, Hades, and Poseiden drew lots to what part of the earth they would rule. Poseiden drew water and so he became the god of the Ocean.

How do you be Poseiden?

you cant poseiden is a greek god whick is mythical a.k.a not can dress up like him but u cant be him

Is poseiden marred?

Yes, to Amphitrite.