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it was Mathius of the Oldnewsa tribe he was jealous of him so he shot him with an arrow. his story began like this he was born by a women who then gave him up because he was hideous. a priest took him in and would not let him leave the church. he fell in love with a Gipsy women he then lost her. he had a really ugly hunch on his back. he was named Quasimodo. he then changed his name to Mathius.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

The arrow pierced the Achilles tendon. The tendon is above the back of your heel.

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Q: Where is the arrow by which Achilles was killed?
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How did Achilles kill?

If you mean how was he killed he was shot with an arrow in the Achilles tendon.

Killed by Paris's arrow?

That would be Achilles at the Battle of Troy

Where does Achilles die?

Achilles died at Troy when Paris shot him in the heel with an arrow. In some versions of the story, Apollo guides the arrow to Achilles heel. Some versions say the arrow was poisoned. The Iliad ends before Achilles' death.

Who conquered Achilles?

Paris, brother of Hector killed Achilles with the help of Apollo by shooting his heel with his arrow.

In greek mythology who was killed by an arrow in his heel?

Paris. His hand is grazed by the poisonous arrow and he dies begging Oeone for help.

Why is the tendon above the heel called the Achilles heel?

It was named after the hero "Achilles", who was killed when an arrow penetrated his heel.

What was the name of the Trojan warrior who killed Achilles?

A mediocre Trojan archer and second prince of Troy by the name of Paris drove a Poison arrow into Achilles heel thus killing him.

Who killed Archilis in Trojan war?

Paris of Troy killed Achilles in the Trojan war by shooting a poisoned arrow into his heel, the only part of him that wasn't protected. This is where we get the phrase "Achilles heel".

When and where was Achilles killed?

Achilles was killed in Troy by Paris while the Greeks were invading the Trojans.

What is the legend of Achilles?

The legened is that when Achilles was fighting in the Trojan war he was hit by a bow and arrow and it killed him because when he was little he was dipped in a special river and the only part that that was not dipped was his Achilles heel

Who does Achilles kill before he dies?

He killed Hector before being killed by an arrow, which was guided into his heel (his weak spot) by Apollo.

How did achilles die in the trojan war?

Shot by an arrow from Paris.