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It started of in Japan but spread quickly through the rest of the world, Jashinism is a veary unknown and misunderstood religion with a lot of people thinking its from an anime known as Naruto.

Currently there is over a million people in the religion

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Q: Where was Jashinism worshipped?
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Not exactly, but he is a bit of a div.

What does Jashin look like?

If your talking about the real religion jashinism, the answer is nobody really knows the members of the jashinism cult/family have had dreams with him in it, they say he just looks like a black shadow, that was how he appered in my dream i hope this helped if you have any questions about jashin or jashinism contact me at : thanks

Was jashinism created by Naruto or is it real?

It was made more known by the Naruto television series, but it does exist.

What religion starts with the letter J and believes in self cutting?

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Is Jashinism a serious religion or did it start off of Naruto?

It only exist in the Naruto universe, although , it's just as ridiculous as Christianity or Islam.

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Japanese leader that was worshipped as a god?

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