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Q: Which Dynasty First created a Feudal Empire?
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What dynasty first created a feudal empire?


Which dynasty built India's first empire?

Mauryan is the dynasty that built India's first empire.

Which dynasty built indias first great empire?

The Mauryan dynasty built India's first great empire.

Which was the first dynasty in ancient China?

I think the first Chinese dynasty was the Xia (pronounced shayh) Dynasty

Which dynasty created the first unified empire in china?

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China's first dynasty?

In the official history of China, Xia is the first dynasty of China, when it was still slavery society. Qin Dynasty was the first feudal society in China. Qing was the last feudal dynasty and replaced by the Republic of China in 1911, which was treated as the capitalist society in Chinese history. Nearly 40 years later, it was replaced by the People's Republic of China in 1949. I thought that the Shang Dynasty was the first.

What was the importance of the Qin dynasty?

It was the first dynasty to unify China under one empire, and created MOST of the Great Wall ! (: ~ Hope this helps ! (:

Which was the first and last dynasty in India?

FIRST-MAURYA EMPIRE last-mughal dynasty

What was the first Chinese empire?

it is the Qin dynasty ruled by Qin Shihuangdi

When and where did dynasty that ruled the Persian Empire?

The first empire was ruled by the Achaemenid dynasty 550-330 BCE, initially with the capital at Susa, then Persepolis.

The first unification of the Chinese people into one empire occurred during which dynasty?

The Qin Dynasty

What was the name given to the first Indian dynasty?

Mauryan Empire