Which ancient african kingdom is known for building a stone monument?
The Middle Kingdom's Pharaoh in ancient Egypt. He increased Egypt's influence, by building more monuments.
the kingdom that lasted the longest was the old kingdom
Mansa Muso
In Ancient Greece
A monument is a statue, building, or other structure.
The Kingdom of Aksum.
Timbunctu was a great African kingdom of ancient times.
AnswerNubia was also known as Kush
One Ancient African Civilization was Ancient Egypt. Egyptian civilization came together around 3150 BC, and it reached its peak in the New Kingdom, which was 1550-1069 BC.
Mapungubwe was an ancient African Kingdom. Now it is the name of a National park in Republic of South Africa.
in ancient Ghana they traded salt, gold, and silk
The Kingdom of Kush or Kush was an ancient African kingdom situated on the confluences of the Blue Nile, White Nile and River Atbara in what is now the Republic of Sudan.
The Middle Kingdom's Pharaoh in ancient Egypt. He increased Egypt's influence, by building more monuments.