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Christianity and monotheism.

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the respect for human life, which was created by God. See the attached Related Link for a full essay.

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Q: Which aspect of the israelite culture had the greatest impact on wetsern civilization?
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What is all around in horseback?

all around on horseback is you can do both English or wetsern, or its a game you can play on horseback

What city did Peter the Great create?

Peter the Great created the city of St. Petersburg as a way to get away from the eastern influences in Moscow and be closer to the wetsern influences of Europe.

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IN each state of Australia there is a premier. He or she is the highest elected official in a state. IN every state of Australia there is a premier. e.g. Wetsern Australia- Colin Barnett

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The four countries with the largest land areas in the Western Hemisphere are Canada, the United States, Brazil, and Argentina.

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partly out of their fear of western states having more power; land-rich states would pay of their war debts and the day to day costs of state government with the income from the sale of their wetsern lands

How did roman christinaity dominate wetsern European society?

Latin Christianity became the branch of Christianity of the west because it became the Christianity of Italy and, through this, spread in the western part of the Roman Empire. It later spread throughout Western Europe. Pagan or Arian Christian Germanics invaded the empire in the west. However, the Visigoths who took over Spain and the Franks converted to Latin Christianity. The kingdom of the Franks covered Gaul and also parts of central Germany which had never been under the Romans. This helped to spread Christianity there. Charlemagne invaded northern Germany and sent missionaries to covert the pagans in that area. Another element that spread of Latin Christianity was the creation of the monastic orders. Monks became missionaries who worked throughout Western Europe. Pope Gelasius I sent missionaries to Ireland in the 490s. Pope Gregory I sent out to convert the Angles and the Saxons in England and sent missionaries there in the 590s. As for the domination of society, Medieval Europe was deeply religious. The church had a dominant presence through its influence on the populace, its links with kings and aristocrats and the pope being seen as the head of Christendom.

How were the Nuremberg trials a hybrid court system?

The Nuremberg trials were a hybrid court system because they combined elements of common law and civil law legal systems. The trials incorporated both legal traditions to prosecute and try individuals for war crimes committed during World War II. Additionally, the Nuremberg trials introduced new concepts and legal principles, such as crimes against humanity and the responsibility of individuals for international crimes.

Are there any survivors of the Bermuda Triangle?

Yes what i have read about there are 3 or more but over 500 people have gone missing.Some say there signals and radios and compasses black out or go haywire. There is another thing, nearly all havent survived but the RAINBOW RUNNER has survived. If you look up rainbow runner Bermuda triangle,there will be a website for it. the rainvow runner has been gone up to the top and straight into the Bermuda triangle. the rainbow runner made it in 3 days and 3 nights The Bermuda triangle, also known as the devil's triangle, is a region in the wetsern part of the north Atlantic ocean where a number of aircraft and ships have mysteriously disappeared. This triangle is between Bermuda, Florida and p Puerto Rico.

Were tanks used in world war 2?

yes.i think the most comon tank that was used in ww2 was the united states was a very light-weight weak tank but they were able to produce them in high numbers. WW2 was a wide variety of armor (tanks): Germany had the Pz III's & IV's which carried the bulk of the fighting all thru the war; the UK had the Churchill and Crusader tanks, and largely used US tanks (Stuarts and Shermans, Lee's and Grants); Russia (Soviet Union) had to famous excellent tank...easily mass produced, reliable, rugged, and easy for the crewmen to work on (maintain); the US had the king of tanks, the dependable M4 Sherman the T34; rugged, easily mass produced, any draftee could operate it (which is important, a complicated tank is NOT an asset during a war), and well armored and well armed (regardless of what television says). If the Sherman was as bad as TV states, the US would NOT have built nearly 50,000 of them, and the US would have lost the war. Television is in the business of making money; not educating people. Last, but not least, were Japan's Type 95 light tanks and type 97 medium tanks, decent tanks; considering Japan was a naval power and concentrated on building warships rather than ground armor (tanks). Again, televison compares a Japanese Type 95 light tank to a US M4 Sherman Medium tank, and states that the Type 95 was no match for it. Of course not! Light tanks aren't suppose to take on Medium tanks. A Japanese Type 95 light tank could give the US Stuart light tank a run for it's money...but again though, Japan's tanks did receive last priority in steel production and technology; those two commodities were reserved for the battleships and cruisers. Yes they did and they were quite advanced the German blitzkrieg (lightning war) saw German Panzer divisions conquer most of wetsern Europe in a few weeks using mainly tanks

Do you think we will go to war again?

Sandy, We are at war, even as I write this. This war is not against any particular country but rather against the adherents of a virulent strain of Islamist ideology who have wormed there way into many nations and intend to murder as many people as they can to show their contempt for Wetsern Civilization and its ideals of freedom and tolerance. They began this war many years ago but we didn't really become aware of it, as a war, until the deadly attacks on New York and Washington, D.C. Now it is definitely on though and we will detroy these people and overthrow any government that seeks to give them succor. As usual,we didn't start it, but we will finish it.Michael Montagne Dear Sandy Mr Montagne is right, you are already at war. But Islamists are just the latest fashion. The USA has been at constant war ever since 1945, in various parts of the world. In fact, all over it. Islamists appear only in the early 90s as enemies of the USA. Before that, they were friends of the USA, especially in combatting the Soviets. Before the islamists there were others. Presumably, after them there will be others also. I understand your confused question, as the USA has been comparatively peaceful, save city cores. But much of the rest of the world has been constantly bombed, to no small extent by the USA, ever since '45. So the idea of going to war "again" sounds a little strange. Some of these wars have been overt and high intensity, such as Korea, Iraq and Vietnam, others have been overt but low intensity, such as Panama, Granada, the Balkans and such. Others yet have been covert, such as El Salvador, Chile and Afghanistan. In addition, there has been a number of proxy wars, such as Namibia and Nicaragua etc. Finally, there have been a number of US attacks on countries with no state of war, covert or overt, as consequence, such as the Soudan, Cambodia and Iran etc. That's not mentioning the cold war, or semi-domestic wars, such as that on drugs (spilling over to supplier nations but principally a domestic war), of course. Also not including economic warfare, within or without UN sanctions. The USA never really demobilised after WWII, maintaining instead a - by historical USA standards - gargantuan army and arms industry, and remaining at an extreme state of readiness at all times. Nor did she really go back to peace. This cannot be news for you Sandy. War has reached continental USA. It did in September 11th. The manner of the attack was a surprise, but not the fact of it. The USA cannot be defeated in a conventional war. With her military spending and huge population, no other nation can keep up, save perhaps China. Her enemies are not very likely ever to challenge her on a conventional battlefield again. War comes in new shapes these days. The USA cannot end war. War is no longer a state to be bombed into submission. War just is, and will be whatever she does. She can pull out of it, or take part in it. USA of yesteryears used to want to be left alone. This has not been policy for the last 50 years. And so she�s in. You are at war Sandy. Sorry. But never mind. You have been since you were born, most probably, and you're not likely to notice much of it all, unless you travel abroad. Yours Sincerely Tommy Non American States are at war as well - defending themselves at being forced to live the "American Way" - beware we will be all eating donuts and be obese if we don't make a stand now !!! On a more serious note - as a non American can I ask why we should be forced to live this way ?

What part of the world is anorexia most common?

Anorexia is most common found in what is known as "Western Society". This is for a few reasons. A main one is that this particular area holds a large percentage of the world's population, and it also heavily filled with media sources and ideals of thin-ness. Anorexia almost only (95%) affects those in the upper- or middle-classes. This is because those "more priveledged" than the lower-classes or those in poverty know that food is available, and can limit it as there almost is no chance of a real food-shortage or starvation for them.

How did hot air balloon change the war?

Not as a military weapon until the 20th Century. Napoleon had a plan to launch fleets of gas-filled balloons against England during the Napoleonic Wars that could have resulted in small-scale bombing of British military positions, but that was all. During WW1 Germany used Zeppelins as air bombers- these were not exactly balloons but helium-filled airships equipped with bombloads that were used against Britain, and resulted in a number of air raids that killed hundreds of civilians in England until their vulnerability to being shot down by fighter 'planes using incendiary bullets became apparent to the German High Command. They then switched to the development and use of the huge four-engined Gotha bomber, which continued to bombard London and other major English cities with the loss of many people (including a direct hit on a school in London that killed most of the pupils and teachers inside). On the Wetsern Front, 'blimps' were used by the German Observation Corps to warn of incoming fighter squadrons- they were equipped with a 2-man crew suspended in a basket underneath, who had field-telephone communication to ground positions and parachutes for bailing out. In the last World War, Britain made extensive use of 'barrage balloons', which were again gas-filled blimps with a four-tail stern and were flown over large expanses of open land that could have potentially allowed German aircraft to land there. The deterent effect was based on the fact that any aircraft attempting to run the balloon-fields would either have become entangled in the tethering cables, or hit the blimp itself which would have exploded and destroyed the aircraft with it. The tactic worked very well. But these were gas-filled vessels; actual hot-air balloons have never played a military role in any conflict with the possible exception of reconnaissance in the American Civil War.