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It is Iran.

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Q: Which country was known as Persia until 1935?
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What country was known as Persil until 1935?

I think you mean Persia, and the answer is Iran.

What country was pursia changed to?

Persia was changed to Iran. The name change occurred in 1935.

1935 Iran was known as what?


What name was Iran known before world war 1?

Until 1935, when the Iranian ruler demanded that the name Iran be used, the English-speaking world knew the country as Persia.

Irans former name?

The previous name of Iran was the QAJJAR KINGDOM OF PERSIA. The name of the country of Persia was changed to Iran in 1935 when Reza Shah Pahlavi overthrew the Qajjar Kingdom of Persia and created the Iranian Empire.

What is the country that use to be called pesia?

The country that used to be called Persia is now known as Iran. The name change from Persia to Iran occurred in 1935 at the request of the Iranian government to emphasize the country's cultural and historical identity.

Is Iran a Middle Eastern country that lies between Iraq and Afghanistan that used to be called Persia?

Yes. Iran is a middle eastern country that lies between Iraq and Afghanistan that was called Persia until 1935.

What year did the term Persia cease to exist as a country?


Persia is on what continent?

Persia, also known as Iran, is located in the continent of Asia.

Is perzie a country?

Assuming that by Perzie you mean Persia, then yes, it is a country. It's no longer called Persia though, from 1935 it's called Iran.

What is persha called today?

Today, the country or land called Iran was once known as Persia. In 1935, the name Iran was adopted for this country. The area of Iran is 1.648 million square kilometers.

What was Persia once called?

Up until 1935, Iran was called Persia by foreigners. Before that, Persia was always the name of the country.The Iranians themselves, though, always called their land "Iran".