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Q: Which early civilization lived in what is now the eastern US?
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What early civilization lived in what is now the southeast region of the US?

The Cherokee.. I'm pretty sure!

What early civilization lived in now what is the southeast region of the us?

The Cherokee.. I'm pretty sure!

Which group was considered an advanced Native American civilization that lived in what is now southern Mexico?

The Mayan civilization qualifies as such.

What early civilization emerged in now present day Iraq?

The civilization of Mesopotamia was located in the Fertile Crescent, now present-day Iraq.

What civilization lived in what is now the southeast region of the united state the Mayans or the the Aztec?

Neither of those lived in the southeast US. The Mayan civilization was in southern Mexico and Latin America; the Aztecs were in central Mexico.

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What country do the Incas live in today?

The Incas lived in what is now Peru. Their civilization spanned from the early 15th century until the Spanish conquest in the 16th century. Today, their descendants continue to live in various regions of Peru.

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The Olmec people first become known to us as a pre-Columbian civilization in the tropical lowlands of what is now south-central Mexico from as early as 1500 BC. The cultures from which the Olmec derived flourished in the area as early as about 2500 BC, but the first clearly Olmec center appears within the city of San Lorenzo Tenochtitlán around 1400 BC. The Olmec cannot be said to have "first settled" anywhere, because they developed from communities already in place in the region.

When was Polycarp born?

Polycarp, Bishop of Smyrna (on the eastern coast of Asia Minor, now modern-day Turkey), lived from about 70 A.D. to 156 A.D. He was a disciple of St. John and one of the early Christian church fathers.

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Mohenjo daro and Harappa were located in what is now Pakistan. The cities were part of the Indus Valley Civilization which is sometimes called the Harappan Civilization.

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The development of agriculture made early civilization posssible. Now they could feed groups of more than a few dozen.

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