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Q: Which groups in greek city-states did not want the nobles to rule?
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Why were tyrants able to seize the control from Greek nobles?

They were able to seize control because they had the support of Greek farmers, merchants and artisans, who were sick and tired of being exploited - the tyrants were appointed to bring in rule for all, not just the upper class.

What was the opposition that razia sultana faced during her rule?

Sulthana had great opposition from the nobles. She could only rule for four years. Nobles did not want a women leader to rule the regin and so she was put to death in the year 1240.

What is a government where the nobles rule?

You mean rich people? It's an aristocracy

What was the main role of powerful nobles in Charlemagne's kingdom?

To rule local regions.

What was the main role of the powerful nobles in charlemagne's kingdom?

rule local legions

Why wasn't Hatshepsut allowed to rule?

She did rule. She took the crown through support from nobles etc. who would gain from her being leader.

The Greek word for rule literally means to?

The Greek word for "rule" literally means "to umpire".

What are opposing groups that challenge rule called?

Factions are opposing groups that challenge rule, order and power.

How did Aztecs rule their empire?

they were ruled by a class of nobles made up of priests and military leaders.

Why were the rule of the nobles cut short?

wiki answers suck shiz and sucks like hell