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Ancient Egyptians did not think that the brain was important. They thought that it was only to take up space in their head. The heart however, was recognised to be of importance. When they were mummified it was also wrapped and placed back in the body.

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Q: Which organ did the Egyptians think was not important at all?
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What organ are important to the system?

I would think all of them?

Why is the cardiovascular system important to all other organ systems?

um i think its because it pumps blood to all the other systems

Why did the Egyptians take all the organs out except the heart?

The heart was considered more important to facing the afterlife than the brain or any other internal organ. Therefore, only the heart was mummified.

What internal organ did the egyptians deem worthless?

The brain, as they believed that the heart was the most valuable and controlled all bodily functions.

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All of the organs are very important. The most important is probably "the big organ" which is your intestinal organ. That is what the food eaten goes through after it is broken up, but before it reaches the toilet.

What did the Egyptians believe occurred in the afterlife?

The Egyptians believed that the bodies in the tomb had a life. So, they placed all their important possessions in their tombs.

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Were all Egyptians mummified at death?

no i think it was only those who were wealthy or had money

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Why was an Egyptian brain not regarded as important?

Egyptians had no basic anatomical knowledge. They believed that the physical heart was the source of all thought and emotion, whereas we know it to be the brain today. As a result, they thought the brain was just a random organ in the body like the spleen or the appendix.

How did egyptians discover preserving bodies?

Sorry, but I don't think we all know yet...

How do you know that afterlife was important to the ancient egyptians?

You can tell that the after-life was important to the Ancient Egyptians because so much of their society was based around it: myths, ritual, art, architecture and more were all dedicated to it.