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Queen Hapshepsut

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Q: Which pharaoh pretended to be a man?
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What were things hatshepsut did?

One thing was that she pretended that she was a boy so that she could be a Pharaoh!

Who was the woman ruler of Egypt who pretended to be a man?


Was the pharAOh rameses a black man?

No, pharaoh Ramses was not a black man, he was a little more darker than tan.

Is phoraoh god?

pharaoh* No. Pharaoh is not God. He is a man and therefore not God, for God is not man (Hosea 11:9).

What was the name of the pharaoh. Who was a women but ruled Egypt as a man?

Hatshepsut was the woman who ruled as Pharaoh of Egypt between 1473-1458 BC. (Cleopatra was Pharaoh but did not rule as a man)

What kind of a man was the pharaoh ozymandias?

what kind of man was the pharaoh ozymandias,doyou think ? qoute from the poem to subtantiate your thebes

Who is the beautiful and intelligent queen of Egypt?

The beautiful and intelligent queen of ancient Egypt is Cleopatra. But a Pharaoh is suppose to be a man! because god is a man and that's why a Pharaoh has to be a man, girls were a fake beard so than they can be a Pharaoh!

Who is the Taco Man?

Nick/Pharaoh/Grandma/Taco Man

Was Hatshepsup a Egyptian Pharaoh?

Yes, Hatshepsut is an Egyptian pharaoh. She was the first woman to be a pharaoh, but she had to dress like a man because the egyptians thought that woman shouldn't be pharaoh's.

How do egyptians choose royalty?

The first pharaoh Narmer declared himself pharaoh over Egypt. The next pharaoh would always be a man and would be of the pharaoh's bloodline. If the pharaoh died early, a male cousin,nephew,etc,would be the next pharaoh. If the only man related to the pharaoh was not approved, the pharaoh would pick a different person, not always of bloodline. Once, a man became a pharaoh just for digging out the Great Spinx. So it wouldn't always be of bloodline.

What does a pharaoh think about?

Pharaohs of Egypt were great. And Cleopatra was a pharaoh... or queen of Egypt. Yeah man...

Who was the lady pharaoh that acted like a man?
